Confronting Deer

Amateur photographers (that’s me) did you ever dream of getting a spectacular photo?  Well I have…many times, and even though I think I have taken some really nice photos, I was still looking for that one photo.   My sister-in-law told me one evening recently a deer was in the yard.  Hubby had cleared a spot in the snow down by the frozen creek and put out some corn that day.  I looked out to see the deer and figured maybe more will come, so quickly got my camera.   I started taking  photos through our dining room window of one and then more deer appeared.

As I was enjoying just clicking away at the deer,  I decided to go to our enclosed back porch to get a closer view.  Our windows do have clear plastic over them, but I thought  it would be okay.  I positioned my camera very carefully between the Venetian blind, one deer did look toward me, but I stood very still until it went back to eating corn.

By this time, there were six deer. I couldn’t get all of them in one shot as one wandered off and one was waiting on the ice.  I concentrated on the deer coming up the hill as it walked right up to the one that had first arrived and they did a little jump in the air.  As they continued looking at each other, I thought I wonder if they will do one of those big jumps at each other. As I stood wondering I decided… take a chance and snapped my camera…just as they jumped.

Oh my gosh, I got it, I got it! Hubby and sister-in-law didn’t know what to think when I came charging back in the house to check the photo on my camera.  It was there!  I did a little jig around the room before I showed them the photo.

I know it’s not a perfect shot, but after dark and through a plastic covered window,  I think it’s amazing I even got this chance. Oh, did I tell ya…I’m no young chick either!

Including a couple other photos I took as well:

 ~ Alice Smuda

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