The Morrison County Historical Society owns and operates The Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Museum.
Admission to the museum is free, but donations are appreciated.
For guided group tours, the fee is $3 per person. Call ahead to make arrangements for guided tours.
Location: 2151 South Lindbergh Drive, P.O. Box 239, Little Falls, MN 56345.
Phone: 320-632-4007
Email: staff (at) morrisoncountyhistory (dot) org
See sidebar for museum hours.
Call 320-632-4007 for more info, to set up a guided tour, or to make an appointment.
I found a 1944 photo of the Little Fall’s football team at an estate sale. It says they were undefeated and has all of their names listed on the back! Are you interested in it for your museum? I would like to donate it to you, but could I get a receipt for it? If so, where would I mail it to?
Thank you,
Yes, Kelley, we would definitely be interested in the photo for the museum. If you’d like to mail it to us, send it to Morrison County Historical Society, PO Box 239, Little Falls, MN 56345. When we receive it, we will send you a donation form to sign that transfers ownership to the museum. You will also get a letter that lists your donation. We cannot by law make appraisals of items that are donated. You would have to figure out the monetary value for taxes by doing some research on similar items or talking to an appraiser.
Mary Warner
Museum Manager
Hello, Mary,
I was on your site for another reason when I noticed the 2015 inquiry about the museum’s interest in a photo of the 1944 Flyers football team. Did you get that photo? I know at least one guy who was on that team, Roger Thielen, still of Little Falls. I imagine he would love to see it. Me too.
On a different note, I’m wondering if you have anything about Jane Moyer, a very interesting sounding lady. Someone on the Morrison County Memories facebook page said she did an extensive amount of elaborate woodworking for the former Episcopal Church in Little Falls. The current owners of the former church and myself, a former parishioner, would love to know more about that as well.
Best regards,
Jim Wright
Hi, Jim – I have no idea whether the photo arrived. I’d have to check our collections inventory.
I saw the conversation on Morrison County Memories about Jane Moyer. The fountain in the Weyerhaeuser Museum’s courtyard is a memorial to her. She was a good friend of Sarah Maud Weyerhaeuser Sivertsen and a relative of Lucy Tanner’s husband’s family.
Jane was an artist and we have some of her drawings in our collection. I had no idea she was a woodworker, too. It’d be nice to have photos of some of her work in the Episcopal Church.
Our museum assistant Grace recently wrote an article about Jane, which you can find here: https://morrisoncountyhistory.org/?page_id=7328
It includes a photo of her, some of her sketches, and of the museum’s fountain.
Thanks for your questions!
Mary Warner
Executive Director
I am trying to find out information about a county dentist that practiced and lived I Little Falls by the name of Dr. Robert Vickerman Gibson .We know that he lived there during the time frame of 1890’s-1900’s. He had 5 children, children were Evalina, Almina,George,and the twins Nutah and
Osver, and his wife’s name was Sarah. For some reason, which my family is trying to figure out, he uprooted the family and his practice and moved to Roseau.
Would you have any information about him or his family, I would appreciate it.
Thank you , Susan Lambert
Hi, Susan – Thanks for your research question. Our curator has emailed a response back to you. Please let us know if you don’t receive it.
Mary Warner
Museum Manager
I have photos of the John Baptiste LeDoux (born 1856) family. I also have a photo of his Mary St Onge (born 1864) that lived in and farmed in Morrison County. They are buried at the Holy Family Church Cemetery just north of Little Falls. Would you please give me a email address to send these photos as attachments.
Regards – Ron LeDoux
Hi, Ron – I’ve sent you an email in reply. Let me know if it doesn’t come through.
Mary Warner
Museum Manager
We are doing some family research and would be in the Little Falls area today after lunch. Would it be possible for you to gather some information for us on the Branchaud family? I understand you have files by family name so I’m hoping this would be somewhat of an easy task. We are very excited to work with you to add information to our family geneaolgy.
Carol – With our research process, we typically pull information when someone arrives because the Family Files are readily accessible. We look forward to seeing you this afternoon.
Mary Warner
Museum Manager
Hi, I was reading about the old Jefferson Highway routes in Minnesota, but it looks like the links at the bottom of your Jefferson Highway article are broken.
Thanks, Dennis
Hi, Dennis – That’s one of the dangers of providing links online. They’re too easy to break, especially over time. I see that I last updated our Jefferson Highway page in 2009. Six years later, alas, the links are broken. It looks like jeffersonhighway.com became jeffersonhighway.org and I couldn’t find the Minnesota section map for the highway. Thanks for bringing our attention to the broken links. I have removed the one I can no longer find and provided a new link to jeffersonhighway.org.
Mary Warner
Museum Manager
RE: Clough Township Morrison County near Randall, MN
The township building was moved and inside it were papers related to township business. A 1908-1911 register of births was included. How much of this information would be wanted by your Society if any?
Most from the early 1900’s through 1950’s.
Hi, Linda – We are definitely interested in township records. Give our curator, Ann Marie, a call at 320-632-4007 to let her know how big the collection is and to make arrangements to drop it off at the Weyerhaeuser Museum.
Mary Warner
Interim Executive Director
Hi. I am trying to get information about an abuse case that happened in LF in 1978. I was told that the little falls transcript would be the place to look. Is there anyway you could assist me with this search?
Tammy, the Little Falls Transcript would be a good place to look. We have copies available at the museum. If you are unable to visit to do research yourself, you can take advantage of our research service. Visit the Fees & Policies section of our website for a list of research fees and resources. We look forward to helping you. Staff at MCHS.
I thought I read somewhere that (this is always the question, isn’t it 🙂 that the Iron Range extended down as far as the northern portion of Morrison County. Am I correct or do I eat crow?
Mary or AnneMarie,
Are you interested in an old platform rocker and trunk? I have pictures if you would like to see them.
Hi, Anne – I’ll pass your message on to Ann Marie, who will get back to you. – Mary
Hi, I have been doing some family research and was able to find that my great-great grandfather was buried in the Mission Covenant Cemetery in Culdrum township. His name was Lars Olson and he died on February 4th 1914 and their is a picture of his headstone on “find a grave.com”. This past weekend we went to the cemetery and to our disappointment we were unable to find the grave. The cemetery is small and the headstone is definitely not there as we searched several times. Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Luanne, The Mission Covenant Cemetery in Culdrum Township was documented through our Documenting Morrison County Deaths project. Your great-great grandfather, Lars Olson, is listed as being buried in Row 1 D6. If you would like more information, please feel free to stop by the museum. We are open Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
MCHS Staff
Dear Staff at Morrison County Historical Society,
Very recently I discovered my family’s American Story back to my Great-Great Grandfather, Mathies Eisel. He along with his wife and 5 children immigrated to Pierz from Austria in 1869. This discovery along with articles from the Pierz Journal has helped me to learn more about my Father’s side of the family than I have learned in my 65 years. In fact, with the help of an article in the Pierz Journal dated December 1, 1910 titled, Drowns in Eddy, I was able to locate my Great-Grandfather Joseph’s Farm and view it from Google Maps. Joseph Eisel and his wife, Mary Girtz Eisel had eleven children. My Grandfather John Peter Eisel was either their first or second child.
This discovery along with the location of Mathies’ grave in St. Josephs Cemetery and Josephs in St. Mary’s calls to my heart. I believe there are many of my distant family still possibly residing in Morrison County. Along with my three brothers, son, nephew and nieces we are planning a trip to Morrison tentatively scheduled in June 2017. Certainly the highlight of our trip would be a visit to the Historical Society. I also wonder if St. Joseph’s would have information on my family? I have never scheduled such a an event and would appreciate any guidance you can provide.
Are you aware of the Eisel family? Is there someone at the Historical Society who could meet with us and guide us through whatever information you may have? Do you have land records?
Stephen Eisel, Thank you for your comment. We would be happy to have you visit the museum! Staff at the museum are always ready to help researchers, pulling sources and guiding you through the process. It sounds like you have an exciting adventure ahead. The Eisel name is a familiar one in Morrison County. We would have a number of research resources you could check, including a probate of estate for Mathias, and the St. Joseph Cemetery has been indexed. We look forward to seeing you. Staff at MCHS
Greetings from Wisconsin!
I am doing some family research and trying to locate an obituary for Harriet Nelson Fitzgerald, originally from Spicer, MN, the death date I have is 11/25/1994. I’m also looking for one for her husband, Jack Fitzgerald who death date is perhaps 9/30/1998. If there are other bits of information, I would be interested in receiving them. Thank you very much!
Judy, It looks like Harriet and her husband, Jack, both died in Stearns County. You could try contacting the Stearns History Museum to see if they can locate an obituary. MCHS STaff
Both my great grandfathers (Morrill Bryant and John J Clark) were members of the Grand Army of the Republic Post 31 (Workman) that met at Maurin’s Hall on 1st Street in Little Falls from 1883-1912. I have a picture of them standing sitting with their GAR Brothers on the steps of a building (I assume it is this Maurin’s Hall), probably around the turn of the 20th Century. My Great-Great grandfather Morrill Bryant is holding a flag and I actually have what is supposedly that flag too. I am looking to find out information on the GAR Post 31 in Little Falls and Maurin’s Hall (if it still stands or any old pictures of them). I also would like to know where my grandfathers are buried.
Garren, We would be happy to help you find information. If you are unable to visit our site to do research, feel free to take advantage of our research service. Information on research fees and services is available on the Fees & Policies section of the website. We look forward to hearing from you! MCHS Staff
Do you have information on the death of John Eisel in October 1885? He was the son of Mathies and Juliana Eisel who lived in Pierz. His cause of death was listed as Pneumonia but I believe there were other circumstances leading to his death at age 22
Hi, Stephen – We have an Eisel family file, which includes a family sheet on Mathias and Julianna. It lists John as one of their children, but it does not have any further info other than that he died at the age of 22. There is no obituary in the file.
If you’d like to go further with research on this, you may stop in to the Weyerhaeuser Museum during our open hours and staff will assist you. Or, staff can do the research for you if you send an email request to contactstaff (at) morrisoncountyhistory (dot) org or give us at call at 320-632-4007. We charge $25 per hour for research conducted by staff.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
Wondering if your historical society has any pictures or information on the Freedhem Elementary School? My husband was a student there from around 1962 to 1966. He has many fond memories and would like to share some of them with our children & grandchildren.
Kay – I’m having our office assistant do a quick check of our files to see if we have anything from the Freedhem school. She won’t be in until tomorrow to look, so it might take until next week for her to reply. Thanks for your question.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
I will be in your area on Monday, April 3 and hope to stop in to your Historical Society to do some research on James McDougle. He moved to Todd County some time in the 1900’s and lived in and around the area until his death in 1984. Will anyone be around to help me in my research?
Hi, Judy – Unfortunately, the Weyerhaeuser Museum is not open on Mondays. Our hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you stop in on any of our open days, someone will be able to help you with your research.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
Would like a copy of bio of Joseph Paquin and cost. Also, do you have info on whether Irene Paquin b. 1906 was married about 1923. Parents were Rudy and Augusta Paquin.
Would like a copy of the bio of Joseph Paquin. Also do you have a marriage for Irene Paquin about 1923….b. 1906, parents Rudy and Augusta Paquin.
Hi, Patty – Thanks for your comments. We’ll respond via email to your research request.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
I have a number of photographs of the Abraham K. Miller family who lived in Little Falls and are buried in the cemetery there, as well as family information. The people in the photos have been identified; are they something you would be interested in. They date from late 1890’s and early 1900’s
Janet, We would be interested. Thank you for thinking of us! MCHS Staff
Dear MHS,
My late stepfather, Alan Owen Nelson, was born in Little Falls (in 1940), but his parents, Norman Nelson and Ruth Hall Nelson, were from Randall. Norman’s first cousin was the Little Falls High English teacher Norma Nelson, who died in 2012. I saw her obituary in the Morrison County Record yesterday. It mentions a book she wrote about Randall, “Little City with Big Heart.” Do you know what year it was published and where I can find a copy?
Also, Norma Nelson’s brother, George C. Nelson, put together a two-volume family history completed in 1996. It covers both the Nelson side of his family and the side of his mother, Ida Schwanke Nelson. It’s subtitle is “A Pound of Nails, Two Pounds of Herring, and Two Quarts of Sauerkraut.” We have this family history in our possession here in Sacramento, California. Does the MHS have a copy? If not, would it be interested in one? Of course, Lyle Nelson, George and Norma’s brother, probably has a copy. He lives in Little Falls, as I understand.
Thank you.
Nick Alexander
Sacramento, CA
916 743 1720
Hello. Spoke with Amy today. She suggested that I let you know that my sisters and I will be in Little Falls on September 22nd and 23rd. We hope to do some research on our great grandfather, Adalbert Czechowicz and his wife Mary. We do have a lot of information you provided several years ago, but hope to dig a little deeper. We will be traveling from both the west and east coast specifically for this purpose. Therefore, it would be appreciated if you would let us know should your Friday and Saturday hours change.
Many thanks,
Carol Petricka
Hello, I would like to know the name of the one room school house my father and his siblings attended and where it was. He didn’t remember the name and passed last March. He was from the Swanville area. His name was Norman Drews and he was born in Fall of 1925, so maybe he started school in 1930? I don’t know what age children started school back then. He graduated from Swanville High School circa 1942? He even attended a HS Reunion from there. But I am most anxious to find out about his grade school, who his teacher, classmates were and any photos the society might have of that school. I would be so grateful. Thank you,
Cindi Drews Shubert
I found an old image of a Pierz street scene, about 1900-1910. I posted it on the SHare History Facebook page if you’d like to view it. or, send me an email ad I’ll send it along.
My great-grandfather was a physician postmaster and mayor of Little Falls around the 1880s I would greatly appreciate if you have any information on him especially a picture thank you
Patrick Chance
Hi Patrick!
It sounds like you’re looking for Nathan Richardson! We’ve got quite a lot of information on our website, photos included! You can find out a lot about him and the people he was associated with on our Morrison County Influentials page https://morrisoncountyhistory.org/?page_id=449
Our Executive Director, Mary Warner, also published a book about Richardson and the early history of Morrison County! It’s called “A Big Hearted Paleface Man” and can be purchased from our store if you’re interested. You can also read some excerpts on our website at this page if you want to get a taste before committing to the book: http://morrisoncountyhistory.org/?page_id=2692
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Grace Duxbury
Museum Assistant
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen of the Morrison County Historical Society,
My Name is Jeff Bartheld, and I am a collector of Bricks, (Yes that’s right people are now collecting Bricks)
In any case, I have been trying to find a marked M.Scott Brick from little Falls, I have been searching for a while now, and thought I had hit the Jackpot when I called the courthouse, and the lady told me there were pallets of them in the county garage. It did not take me long to be in the rig and heading up to Little Falls from Princeton, Sadly, when I got there, there were pallets of Scott Bricks and none with the name on them, then a supervisor came in and told me they could not sell me one as they had to be saved for the Historic Buildings in town (Rats) as I was leaving a city worker who heard my plight, Gave me an unmarked one so my trip was not in vain. But I am still looking for a Scott with the name on it, I have a copy of “Lost Minnesota,” and in it they talk about the O.A. Churchill Store that was at 55 Bay Street, the Book goes on to say that the Building was made of Scott Bricks with the names facing out. My question for you is where was the Rubble hauled to when the Building was tore down? Even if I had to do some digging it would be worth it to me to find one or 2 good ones (Or even 5 or 10) for trading. If anyone can help me please feel free to contact me at stillsparkycush@windstream.net, I would even be happy to purchase some if anyone has any available. I currently have 100 bricks in my collection, From Minnesota I have a Shakopee, Chaska and ACO Springfield (From Springfield MN) I am also looking for a Pangborn From Sauk Center MN, along with any other Minnesota made brick that I can Find.
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me in my Quest.
Hi Jeff-
Unfortunately we don’t know where the rubble was taken after the building’s demolition, nor do we have any specific leads about where to find them. However, there are a lot of homes in Little Falls made with these bricks, there’s a chance that someone may have one to spare. All you can do is put the word out and hope for the best.
Good luck on your search!
Grace Duxbury
Museum Assistant
Hi! I am currently writing my family history. Their origin is Harding, Minnesota. Part of the history is about their school days. I have made of list of teachers from 1913 to 1958. Most of the information came from report cards and some facts my mother wrote down. The school district was 123. Is there information collected from the country schools that I could check to make sure my list is correct? And are there photos available maybe of some of the teachers?
When my writing is done, I plan to submit a copy of the story of the Bieganek and Deering families to the historical society. Still have a ways to go, but hope to have everything done by the end of the year.
Thank you!
Hi, Mary – Thanks for your questions. I will have Grace, our museum assistant, check on this when she is at the museum. I know that our school district files are fairly sketchy because many of the smaller district records burned in a courthouse fire. We don’t have many photos of the rural schools either, but we can look to see if anything in our files is from District 123.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
I have my great grandmothers home made dresses from approximately the early 20th century. She passed away in 1918. These were from the Stegora Farm in Harding Minnesota.
Do you have any interest in them? We would like to donate them if so.
Hi, Dan – Your grandmother’s dresses would be interesting for us to see in evaluating them for the collection, however, due to the pandemic, we aren’t accepting anything for the collection at this time. Could you possibly send us a photo or two of the dresses so we have a sense of what they are like and can see whether we have anything similar already in the collection? We can take it from there via email. Send photos to contactstaff@morrisoncountyhistory.org. Thanks!
Mary Warner
Executive Director
Do you have information, specifications, serial numbers, manuals, etc. for Larson boats from the 1960s?
Would you have any suggestions as to who or what organization might have such information?
I’m looking for a photograph of a John T. Hoblitt, who worked for the newspaper in Little Falls, MN just prior to 1902, when he purchased the Morrison County Democrat newspaper. In 1909, after seven years with the ‘Democrat’, Hoblitt moved to Silverton, OR, where he purchased the Silverton Appeal newspaper and ran it until his death in 1946.
Hi, Norman – I have never run across a photo of John T. Hoblitt in our archives. His story sounds like an interesting one. If you ever find a photo of him, let us know.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
I am researching my paternal grandaunt, Mary Ellen Rowan aka Sister Mary Oderica (or O’Derica??) who worked at St. Francis Hospital, Breckenridge MN, in the X-Ray laboratory in the 1930s. She was born 7 September 1887 in Minnesota and died 8 November 1959 in Little Falls, Morrison County, Minnesota. Any assistance you can provide will be appreciated. I will gladly pay for research time and copies.
Thanks, Dee Rowan Eva
Hi Dee!
Thank you so much for reaching out to us! I’ll see what I can find about your grandaunt. An invoice will be sent with your final research total ($25 per hour along with a small fee for copies and shipping) along with any copies of documents.
Grace Duxbury
Museum Assistant
I have a photo that I was told be of the Pierz Journal office in Sept. 1907. I was wondering if that can be verified and who the two gentlemen might be? I don’t know how I can attach a copy of this photo for you to view. Please let me know
Nelson Photography took pictures in Little Falls. I have an old photo of a wedding party -groom, bride, best maid and maid/matron of honor probably about 1890-1920. I was wondering if there are records from Nelson Photography? I would like to check my genealogical data names with the names against Nelson Photography pictures taken. I also don’t know how to attach the photograph in case someone in Morrison county might recognize the persons in the photography in case there are no Nelson records.
Hi Diana!
We would be happy to take a look at the photos and see what we can find! We do charge a research fee, $25 per hour of research, and you would be sent an invoice upon the completion of the research. If that’s alright, you can send us the photos through our staff email at staff@morrisoncountyhistory.org
Thanks so much for reaching out to us!
Grace Duxbury
Museum Assistant
Do you know where I could find pictures of the merry wildwood school district 113 in Morrill township?
Hi Patty-
I took a look into our school district files, and I was unable to find any pictures of District 113. This is unfortunately the case with a lot of country schools–some were simply too small or short-lived to be photographed. Thank you so much for reaching out to us regardless!
Grace Duxbury
Museum Assistant
Do you have copies of the Little Falls newspaper from the week of June 24th 1974? The Library suggested I contact your organization. Thank you.
Hi, Larry – We do have the Little Falls Daily Transcript for 1974 in our collection. If you’d like to look through the paper, give us a call at 320-632-4007 to set up a research appointment. We are scheduling appointments on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays between 10 and 3, dependent on staff availability.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
I know Nelson Photography had a studio in Little Falls and other locations and took wedding and also area photos. I hope to do research if the Society can help me regarding his archived photos. I heard that the society might be able to help me, I hope when I visit the area this summer I will be successful in my research . hope springs eternal
Hi, Diana – While we do have numerous Nelson photos within our archives, we do not have the full archives of the Nelson Studio. We can certainly look through what we have. Perhaps we’ll find what you are looking for in our collection.
Give us a call a few days ahead of your visit to make a research appointment. We are available for appointments on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 10 and 3. Call 320-632-4007 to make an appointment.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
My Great Aunt Barbara Timock the former Barbara Sophia Perowitz turned 99 years old last week .She is the last of eleven children and the only survivor of John and Magdeline Perowitz of Flensburg Minnesota.She is amazing and her memory is as sharp as a tack. God bless the Perowitz and Wozniak family in and around Morrison county.I was last there in 1969.The Twins had a helluva good team that year.Aunt Barbara resides in Traverse City Michigan and I sent her flowers. Gerald James Thibeaut in Davison Michigan.
Thank you so much for this lovely comment! We appreciate any information people are willing to send our way, especially personal stories like this!
Grace Duxbury
Museum Assistant
I was referred to you by the Morrison County Record. I am looking for a public notice in an old paper. 1985 to be exact. I am looking for the public notice for Aug to possibly Oct 1st. There was a Notice to township resident and it was printed for 3 weeks. I was wondering if you would still have something like that. The record does not.
Hi, Nancy – We do, indeed, have past Morrison County Records in our archives, back to the 1970s, when the Record was the Rich Prairie Shopper. The Record makes sure we get a bound volume of past papers every few months. If you’d like to look through the paper, call 320-632-4007 to schedule a research appointment. We are only open to researchers by appointment in November 2021 because we are having our HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) system replaced. Thanks for your question.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
Good morning. I’m presently working on research for a book of church architecture in the U.S. I’m trying to find out who the architect was who designed the Saint Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church Sobieski at 9366 Church Circle in Sobieski. It was built from 1896 to 1897. The builders were Alex Wochnik, and W. Wolke. Thank you for your time.
Hi, Keith – In looking through our file on St. Stanislaus Church in Sobieski, I cannot find an architect listed. All I can find is Alex Wochnik as the contractor. It is possible that he designed the church, too, which was not uncommon for rural churches in that era.
I discovered a Spring/Summer 2006 issue of the Polish Genealogical Society of Minnesota Newsletter in our Swan River/Sobieski box. It has an article by Greg Kishel, who reported on an article from the Wiarus Polish newspaper dated April 27, 1899 on the Polish farming settlement of Swan River, the township where Sobieski is located. If I remember correctly, Greg was translating articles from Wiarus for this newsletter.
The following appears in the article related to the church: “Two towers stand over the higher treetops of the forests that surround the church, which is as magnificent on the outside as it is on the inside. Out of interest you ask, who built, who directed the work on, this beautiful church? – Be proud-not a foreigner, but your countryman, Mr. Alexander WOCHNIK, an Upper Silesian. – Who paid for this beautiful building? – Our kind-hearted Polish people; modest, not rich-these people, who in the sweat of their brow are working in the fields, about whom the poet said, when all is said and done, “Whoever degrades the condition of the peasant, affronts the country.””
Here is information from Wiarus on the Minnesota Historical Society’s website: https://www.mnhs.org/newspapers/hub/wiarus
If you want to see the newspaper in digital form, visit https://newspapers.mnhs.org/jsp/browse.jsp?collection_filter=9c367a17-6e4c-4844-a69a-38b2d5eb93a4.
I hope this helps with your research.
Mary Warner
Executive Director
My name is Rick Prieston Brodkorb. My great grandfather Joseph Brodkorb (1848-1922) immigrated to Little Falls in 1871 with his wife Franciska (1849-1921). He was a mason and a farmer and settled in the Bowlus area. His son, my great uncle, was Frank Brodkorb(1895-1955) was married to Victoria Tillman (1891-1956) and they lived in Little Falls where he ran a store. My wife and I will coming to Lttle Falls from Alberta, Canada, on May 9&10 and I am looking for any information you may have on them. perhaps I could meet with somene there who can help me locate farm, residences, graves etc.
I took a look into our family files, and unfortunately we don’t have a lot of information on earlier Brodkorbs, and nothing in our files for anyone you have named in your comment. However, we do have access graveyard records and plat books, so we may be able to help you with that aspect. Before your visit you may want to contact the Morrison County Recorder’s Office (https://www.co.morrison.mn.us/221/Recorders-Office) to see what they can find in regards to addresses associated with the Brodkorbs.
Thank you so much for reaching out to us, and we look forward to your visit!
Grace Duxbury
Museum Manager
My name is Tom Virnig and I grew up with 8 siblings on 608 4th Street SE. I recalled watching the crew razing a brick clad school building on a site which is now 615 4th Street SE. Will you please find a name of this school? I would be more appreciated if you can provide a picture of the school, too. It was razed in 1951 or 1952.