Business History (pdf form to collect business history – please download, print, fill out and turn in a copy to the Morrison County Historical Society)


Buttered Up: Creameries of Morrison County (large pdf file – takes a while to load)

Cupid Does Not Like Sickly Girls (The practice of medicine)

Erdrich’s Meat Market

Falls Ballroom

Four Dams at Little Falls

Groceries Courtesy Mom and Pop (Small grocery stores)

Hennepin Paper Company Construction Paper

Kiewel Brewing Slide Show (pdf document)

Let’s All Go To The Lobby! (Movie Theaters)

Let’s Go Out to Eat (Restaurants)

Little Falls Bottling Works

Little Falls Cigar Factories

Little Falls Granite Works Turns 100

Logging & Lumbering

Lumber Camp Life


Mississippi River Industrial Complex of Little Falls (pdf document of photos from MCHS collections)

Morrison County Businesses (pdf document)

Morrison County Creameries (pdf document of photos of 2022 Morrison County Fair Exhibit)

Morrison County Grocery Stores (pdf document)

Neighborhood Groceries

Pap’s Sport Shop

Paul Larson’s Boats

Platte River Log Drives & Dams

Reddy Kilowatt

Sand Sisters (Millinery, restaurant)

The Extraordinary A. DeLacy Wood (Newspaper man)

The Sudden Death of a Community Institution: Home Savings of America

Ultra Modern – Air Conditioned (Tourism, cabin camps, motels)

Vernon Pick: Two Rivers Mill to Delta Uranium Mine (pdf document)

8 Replies to “Business / Industry”

  1. Searching for info (pictrues and architecural drawings) for the Minnesota Power Company’s dam and power station, the milling facilities (Northwestern and Gopher State – were they still there in 1948 and if not, when were they abandoned)), the Hennepin Paper Company, and, the NP Depot in Little Falls, Minnesota, in 1948 (actuallly, anything from 1945 to 1950) for modeling on my model raiulroad layout.

  2. John – We have photos in our collections for all of those sites, however I’m not sure if we have them around your required dates. Because of the complexity of your request and the time it will take to fill it, we need to have you place a formal research request via email ( or phone (320-632-4007).

    Please see our Fees & Policies page for our staff research fees:

    If you can visit the museum, the only fee for research is for any copies you request.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Mary Warner
    Museum Manager

  3. I am looking for information and pictures of a motel that my 3rd great grandfather owned on and around the year of 1870. His name was Peter Roy wife Philomine.

    1. Good morning, Lynn!

      I took a look in our archives and unfortunately we don’t have anything in regards to the motel that Peter Roy owned. We have several other records, including biographies and obituaries, so if you’re interested in that we would be more than glad to send you copies.

      Just let us know how you’d like to proceed and we’ll go from there!

      Grace Duxbury
      Museum Manager

  4. Is there any information on a business located on the West Side of town next to the Royal Cafe that I believe was called Johnson Implement (sold Allis Chambers tractors, etc.)? Can’t seem to find any information on that business. Owned by Russell Johnson.

  5. Hello,

    My grandfather, James Gross, grew up in Lastrup and his family owned what I believe was called the Gross Brothers Grocery. I see James, Peter J. listed on your Morrison county grocery store list. It was open from 1912-1959(?). I was wondering since it’s on this list, if any more information was available on it.

    Hannah Evans

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