Did you know that we offer photo reproduction services? If there is a photo in our collections that you want a nice copy of (rather than a photocopy), we can get it duplicated as a high-quality color photocopy, or we can scan the image to CD for you. There is a charge for this service, which is dependent upon which sort of reproduction you want. Those who want to have photo reproductions for personal reasons are only charged the appropriate reproduction charge. For those who want to use our photos for commercial reasons (i.e. in-store display, publication, etc.), we also charge a commercial use fee on top of the reproduction charge. For more information, contact us at contactstaff (at) morrisoncountyhistory (dot) org, or check our website (scroll down – photo info starts near middle of page).
Photo reproduction takes time, whether you ask for a scan or a high-quality copy, so please be sure to ask well ahead of when you’ll need the photos.