The Morrison County Historical Society board of directors recently reviewed the research fees we charge those requesting staff research. Our current minimum research fee of $5 for the first 1/2 hour of research (which includes up to 10 photocopies) has been in place for 2 decades and does not accurately reflect the true cost or staff expertise of conducting research. Nor is it in keeping with what other nonprofit history organizations are charging for similar service. Research after the first 1/2 hour was set at $25 per hour.
The board decided to institute a flat $25 per hour research fee, with a one-hour minimum. The cost of copies and postage is on top of this fee. The new research fee will be in effect starting December 1, 2016. For more information on MCHS’s research fees, visit
As always, researchers are welcome to visit the Weyerhaeuser Museum to conduct their own research for free, with the only cost being for any copies made.