This morning, MCHS member Marlys Sebasky dropped off a delightful surprise. She turned in the first official entry in our Peep Contest. Working from research conducted by Larry Royston, she built a Peep diorama illustrating a 1905 incident in which Frank Otremba’s buffalo herd broke out and ran into Pierz, surprising people who were attending church.
The title for this Peep diorama is “Peepalo go to Church and Mama said “Bison.””
Here is Marlys with the diorama:

Peep Contest entries are due at the Weyerhaeuser Museum by 5 p.m. April 15, 2016. There should be some good deals on Peeps now that we’re past Easter, so put your artist hat on and get your Peep diorama constructed and turned in. Marlys said she had great fun working on her Peep diorama. That fun can be yours too! Contest rules here.