I was sitting here thinking about when Ben and I were introduced to each other by mutual friends.  I wasn’t very happy when my friend, Sondra, called me one day at work to say her date wanted to know if she could fix up his pal with her friend.  It’ll be a double date, Spivey says he’s nicehe’s a sailorA sailor! Do you know what they say about sailors?  I’m not going Sondra!  We celebrated our 55th Anniversary last September.

Stories don’t have to be about meeting your soul mate.  I’ve written stories of our visits before moving to Little Falls when Ben’s Aunt Louise and Uncle Frank had the Smuda’s Zoo.  We had some fun times with the family, as well as being around the animals helping with the feeding and cleaning chores.   I’ve written about my experience with Bernard, the bear, our transporting two kittens, unbeknowst to us, to Dairy Queen…the list goes on and on.

I recall one day, when I was in my teens, my dad and I were sitting in the kitchen just chatting away about things I can’t even remember now.  Mom was sitting in her rocking chair in the living room working on her crossword puzzle.  Daddy, how did you meet mom?  He blew out the smoke from his Chesterfield Cigarette forming a circle in the air and with a grin said, she was sitting astride a watermelon.  Oh, I was not! said my mom.  You know, to this day I don’t know if daddy was kidding mom or me.

I wish I knew then what I know now about family history.  Writing down stories like this and others when they happen make interesting reading, not only for yourself years later, but to share with your family.

I hope this sparks you into putting pen to paper, or using your computer, getting your stories written…it’s a good thing.

~ Alice Smuda


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