Spring Beauty

Spring is blooming all over today in the Charles A. Lindbergh State Park. Located just north of the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Museum, this 570 acre park has eight miles of hiking trails, many of which are currently awash in spring flowers. Trilliums, Wood Anemones (Mayflower), Marsh Marigolds, Bloodroots and even some Dandelions have filled many areas of the park with color. If you love the outdoors and are willing to brave a few muddy, wet spots, it is well worth the trip. Feel free to stop in at our museum when you have had your fill of fresh air. We are open year round, Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., and we love visitors, even muddy ones!

(Additional information on the Charles A. Lindbergh State Park can be found on the State Parks web site www.mnstateparks.info or by calling toll free 1-800-657-3929.)

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