Serving as the friendly face of the Front Desk, Aimee Tholen has been greeting visitors and assisting researchers for the past two years at The Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Museum.
Originally hired primarily as the bookkeeper for the Morrison County Historical Society (MCHS) in 2016, Tholen discovered a passion for helping researchers. MCHS maintains an extensive archive and library of materials related to Morrison County’s history at the Weyerhaeuser Museum. Tholen quickly learned how to access these materials in order to answer researcher’s questions.
Researchers, who either stop in to the Weyerhaeuser Museum to conduct their own research or contact MCHS in order to have staff do research for them, have a variety of requests. They may be looking for an obituary for a relative, seeking a now-defunct resort on one of the county’s lakes, or searching for information on a specific topic, like railroads, logging, or baseball. Tholen relished tackling all research requests but was especially fond of the tough questions that took digging to find an answer. She said of these situations, “I could have been a private investigator.”
Tholen is leaving the Morrison County Historical Society in order to manage the club house at the Pierz Golf Course. The board and staff at the Weyerhaeuser Museum will miss her energy and dedication but wish her well in her new position.