August Enews Has Been Sent

We love our Monkey Mail! That’s what we call our MailChimp email newsletter service. Once a month, at the beginning of the month, we send out an e-newsletter with details on upcoming events hosted by the Morrison County Historical Society. We also include links of interest that we have culled from our Twitter feed and other nonprofit and museum-related e-newsletters.

I have to admit, when I first started sending out our MailChimp newsletters, I went a little heavy on the links because there’s so much interesting stuff to share online. I’ve scaled back, however, because providing too many links almost guarantees that people won’t take the time to read any of them. I limit myself to five links, in addition to our news items.

In order to receive MCHS Enews, just fill out the Subscribe box in the right sidebar (scroll ’til you see it). If you want to know what you’ll be getting before you subscribe, here is a link to the current edition:

Don’t worry. Clicking the link will NOT sign you up for the e-newsletter. You have to fill out the Subscribe box for that. If you do subscribe and then find you no longer want to receive the e-newsletter, there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each Enews that will automatically cancel your subscription.


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