Seeking Family History Websites

Yesterday we received a suggestion from a member that we add links to family history websites with some relation to Morrison County to our website. We haven’t had too many people come forth with family websites to date, but when we hear of something, we try to write a blog post about the site. (Individual blog posts are picked up by search engines, so these should be coming up during a search. They may not be at the top of the search results, however, because search rankings are partially determined by the popularity of a post.)

I’ve tweaked our Online Resources page, rearranging the order of things a bit and adding a section on Family History Websites. If you’ve got a Family History Website that includes family members with an obvious connection to Morrison County, let us know and we’ll add a link. If we get a big enough list of these sites, we may create a page just for them.

Don’t be shy. Give us your Family History Website links by leaving a comment or sending an email. (So far, we’ve got three sites listed. How many more can we add?)

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