Climate disasters, fires, war, political conflicts, and neglect put manuscripts in danger of destruction. Manuscripts are books or documents that are written by hand, so each one is unique. Because of their rarity and historic value, manuscripts can also be targets for theft and illegal export. Once a manuscript is destroyed, it is gone forever. Those that are stolen can remain hidden indefinitely.
“Manuscripts & Wine,” the Morrison County Historical Society’s annual program for 2018, will feature guest speaker Dr. Daniel Gullo of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) at St. John’s University. HMML digitizes threatened manuscripts around the world in order to preserve their contents. Dr. Gullo will discuss this work during “Manuscripts & Wine.” MCHS and HMML are connected through their missions of preserving the past to create a deeper understanding of the present and future.
Dr. Gullo serves as the Joseph S. Micallef Curator of the Malta Study Center at HMML and specializes in cataloging books and archival materials. He is a teacher, historian and scholar who has given presentations across the United States and internationally.
MCHS’s annual program will take place in a unique setting, the Scandia Valley Vineyards in Cushing, Minnesota. Samples of the vineyards’ wine and other refreshments will be included as part of the program.
The Great River Chorale will provide music to open the event, featuring songs from their spring concert.
MCHS’s annual program is scheduled for Saturday, September 8, 2018. It will run from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Scandia Valley Vineyards located at 3304 320th Street in Cushing, MN.
The cost is $15 for general admission, $12.50 for MCHS members.
Make reservations by calling the Morrison County Historical Society at 320-632-4007 or by visiting MCHS’s online shop at https://squareup.com/store/morrison-county-historical-society. Reservations are due by September 4.