"The Blacksmith" |
220, 246 |
Abare, Trifle |
320 |
Abercrombie, John |
291 |
Aborigines |
see Prehistoric people |
Accidental deaths |
304, 316, 318-320, see Drownings, Accidental shootings |
Accidental shootings |
209, 306, 307, 308, 311, 312 |
Adams, A. B. |
187, 273 |
Adams, Asher |
187, 207, 273, 304 |
Adams, David, Jr. |
316 |
Adams, David, Sr. |
316 |
Adams, Joseph |
320 |
Adams, widow |
190 |
Adventists |
203, 328 |
Aerial transportation |
88 |
African-Americans |
65, 194, 272 |
Agriculture & farming |
39, 40, 112, 114, 128, 168, 178, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 200, 208, 213, 222, 232, 233, 255, 259, 265, 269, 271-272, 276, 287-288 |
Agriculture & farming 2 |
297, 305, 326, 340, 343 |
Aitken (Aiken), William |
22, 180, 181, 211, 214, 221, 247, 279, 280, 340 |
Aitkin |
118 |
Aitkin County |
46 |
Alleghany College |
332 |
Alleghany County, Pennsylvania |
332 |
Allen boy |
120 |
American Agency & Collection Co. |
101 |
American Board of Foreign Missions |
194, 271 |
American Missionary Association |
194, 272 |
Ammerman, Eugene W. |
316 |
Ammerman, Mrs. |
316 |
Andrews, John |
37, 172, 284 |
Andy Johnson County |
46 |
Annals of our Lady of the Angels |
334 |
Archaeology |
296-297 |
Armstrong, Henry |
191, 216 |
Arnold, John A. |
70 |
Aroux, Joseph |
320 |
Art |
9 |
Aspenwall, Gus. |
242-243 |
Aspenwall, Ruffee & Garden |
242 |
Astor House, New York |
285 |
Atlanta, Georgia |
194, 272 |
Attorneys |
see Lawyers |
Augusta, Georgia |
334 |
Ault, John |
24, 31, 313 |
Ault, Margaretha |
24, 31 |
Axtel |
186 |
Ayer |
53 |
Ayer, Elizabeth Taylor |
186, 194, 272, 273 |
Ayer, Frederick |
186, 194, 222, 271-273, 302, 325 |
Ayer, Frederick, Jr. |
194, 271, 272 |
Ayer, Lyman W. |
186, 194, 271, 272-273, 320, 321 |
Babbitt, Frances Eliza |
296 |
Babcock, L. A. |
295 |
Ba-be-ze-ga-din-ba |
see Curly Hair, Chief |
Bad Boy, Chief |
42, 169, 234-235, 236, 239, 293-294 |
Bad River, Wisconsin |
265 |
Bain, W. W. |
189, 208, 305 |
Bain, William |
208, 305 |
Baker, Mr. |
312 |
Bandolier bag |
see NR bandolier bag |
Bangs sisters |
120 |
Banks |
214, 341 |
Barnard, A. |
273 |
Barnum, E. P. |
290, 292 |
Barnum, Reid L. |
37, 115, 171-173, 284-285 |
Bastien, Felix |
321 |
Bastien, Simon |
316, 321 |
Bates, Col. |
207, 305 |
Batters Brothers' Orchestra |
58 |
Batters, Joseph |
184, 185 |
Batters, William |
114 |
Bead work |
264, color plates 2, 3 & 4 |
Bear |
220, 234, 246 |
Beating of Justice of the Peace |
37, 115, 171-173, 284-285 |
Beaulieu, Clement Hudon |
186, 221, 232, 247 |
Beaulieu, Henry |
xiii |
Beaulieu, Paul H. |
186 |
Beaupre (Beaupry), Phillip |
222, 237, 273 |
Becker County |
46, 211, 294, 331 |
Beer |
66, 67, 68, 92, 94, 122, 206, 310, 311 |
Belknap, Dexter |
76 |
Bellangier, Augustus |
294 |
Bellcore |
237 |
Belle Prairie |
39, 133, 168, 176, 179, 187, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, 211, 214, 222, 233, 270, 271-273, 275, 278, 290, 300, 302, 311, 312, 313 |
Belle Prairie 2 |
320, 322, 324, 325, 334, 335, 341, 344 |
Belle Prairie Cemetery |
319 |
Belle Prairie Township |
43, 181, 186, 215, 280, 301, 304, 318, 319, 322, 342, 344 |
Bellefeuille, Raphael |
321 |
Bellevue (Belleview) Township |
29, 168, 181, 187-188, 191, 197, 214, 215, 233, 280, 294, 298, 312, 322, 327, 341, 342, 344 |
Bellevue Prairie |
175-176, 223, 264, 275 |
Beltrami County |
59 |
Beltrami, J. C. |
221, 247 |
Benedictine Sisters |
see Order of St. Benedict |
Bennett & Hamlin law firm |
332 |
Bennett, James R. |
332 |
Benton County |
25, 26, 28, 46, 164, 175, 177, 226, 229, 275, 277, 317, 337, 339, 341 |
Berg, Lewis |
302 |
Berg, Peter |
302 |
Berg, William |
302 |
Bergheim, Nels N. |
117 (photo) |
Berkey, J. A. |
90, 99 |
Bicycles |
90 |
Big Bend |
237, 278 |
Big Dog, Chief |
167, 231 |
Big Lake |
174, 287 |
Big Meadow, Sherburne County |
195, 334 |
Big Stone Lake |
47, 48, 49, 179, 199 |
Bilge Water Pump |
121 |
Billig, H. J. |
200, 323 |
Billing, J. H. |
192 |
Billstein, John |
75 (photo) |
Birch River |
221, 247 |
Births |
215, 342 |
Bismarck |
297 |
Bison, Martin |
186 |
Blacks |
see African-Americans |
Blake, P. W. |
80 |
Blake, R. B. |
25 |
Blanchard, Allen |
190 |
Blue Earth River |
28 |
Bogus Brook logging camp |
21-22 |
Boisjoli, Joseph |
36 (photo) |
Boisjoli, Leon |
36 (photo) |
Bokaneck, Mr. |
314 |
Bolster, Otto |
193 |
Bolt, Benjamin |
245-246 |
Bonds for LF & Dakota RR |
49-51 |
Borman, Daniel |
191, 204, 308-309 |
Borman, Daniel's brother |
205, 308 |
Borman, George |
191, 302 |
Bouck, Rev. J. S. |
327 |
Bourbon County, Kentucky |
221, 268 |
Bowmanville, Illinois |
76 |
Bradley, George |
64 |
Bradshaw, Henry |
192 |
Brainerd |
48, 61, 80, 99, 118, 178, 181, 186, 238, 280, 288, 289, 290, 294, 319, 327 |
Braun, Dr. E. E. |
209-210, 329 |
Brayton, Anna E. |
114 |
Brayton, George |
114 |
Bredfeld |
53 |
Breyfogle, William L. |
76 |
Brick, Simon P. |
75 (photo) |
Brickyards/bricks |
80, 82, 83 (photo), 84, 140, 197, 299-300, 337 |
Bridges |
25, see also Mississippi River Bridge |
Briggs, Ezra |
39, 209, 306 |
Briggs, Richardson & Co. |
39 |
British Line |
295 |
Broadway, Little Falls |
84 |
Broce |
237 |
Brockway, Stearns County |
229 |
Brooks, E. J. |
293 |
Brower |
69 |
Brower, Jacob V. |
116 |
Brown, C. H. |
98 |
Brown, Joseph |
181, 280 |
Brown, Miles |
251 |
Brown's Valley |
290, 291, 292 |
Bruseau, Oliver |
312 |
Bryant, M. |
114 |
Buchanan County |
46 |
Buckfield |
179, 278 |
Buckman |
181, 344 |
Buckman Building |
88 |
Buckman Township |
193-194, 215, 229, 280, 302, 307, 308, 342, 344 |
Buckman, Clarence B. |
86, 99, 193 |
Budsbanowski, S. |
94 |
Buffalo (bison) |
128, 220, 222, 246, 248, 264 |
Buffalo, Chief |
167, 231, 236 |
Buh, Rev. Joseph |
199, 200, 201-202, 270-271, 322, 323, 324 |
Bullet in tree |
297 |
Burbank, Hon. J. C. |
186, 272 |
Burgh, William |
193 |
Burginhiser, Mr. |
193 |
Burk, Julia |
114 |
Burk, Peter |
114, 185 |
Burnes & Magill grain elevator |
60 |
Burnes, Charles |
191 |
Burns, James |
312 |
Businesses |
see LF businesses |
Buskey, W. A. |
90 |
Butala, Mike |
206, 310 |
Butchers |
196 |
Butler, Mary E. |
90 |
Butler, William |
79 (photo), 165, 184, 185, 227 |
Butten, Otis |
193 |
Buzzard's Bay |
155 |
Cabinet shops |
183, 282 |
Caledonia, Dakota Territory |
333 |
Calhoun, David T. |
59 |
California |
61, 197 |
Calvary Cemetery, Little Falls |
124 |
Camp Ripley |
29 |
Camp, Abner Wilson |
22, 320 |
Campbell, Daniel |
189 |
Campbell, Rev. |
327 |
Campbellites |
203 |
Canada |
187, 188, 196, 209, 219, 220, 245, 273, 294, 319, 329, 335 |
Canfield, Aaron |
190 |
Cannon Falls |
222, 268 |
Ca-qua-dosh |
263-264 |
Ca-qua-dosh's sister |
264 |
Ca-qua-dosh's wife |
263-264 |
Carash |
318 |
Carlton County |
46 |
Carnegie Library, Little Falls |
viiii, xiii, 10, 90 |
Carr, Terrance |
313 |
Carrion |
265 |
Carver, E. W. |
273 |
Cash, A. D. |
190-191 |
Cash, George |
190 |
Cash, Mrs. |
190 |
Casper, Joseph |
301, 303 |
Casper, Mr. |
212 |
Casper, Mrs. Joseph |
302 |
Cass County |
46, 293 |
Cass Lake |
273 |
Cass, Gen. Lewis B. |
236 |
Castleman, Samuel |
76 |
Cathcart, Thomas |
177, 277 |
Catholics/Catholic Church |
199-202, 203, 218, 233, 243, 252, 269-271, 318, 322-324, 325, 330 |
Cattaraugus County, New York |
332 |
Cattle in streets |
see Livestock, keeping them off streets |
Cedar Lake |
273 |
Ceke-bicauge |
see Great Rock |
Census |
6, 21, 23, 28, 29, 52, 342 |
Centennial Exhibition |
199, 339 |
Champion Billiard Hall |
122 |
Chance, Maranda A. |
97 |
Chance, Minnie |
97 |
Chandler, Secretary |
259 |
Charon, Henry |
72 |
Chartier, Charles |
187 |
Chauboile |
241 |
Chauboile, Charles |
237 |
Chauboile, Margaret |
242-243 |
Cheeney, Dr. |
307 |
Chemical Engine Co. No. 2 |
84 |
Cheyenne, Wyoming |
210, 330 |
Chicago World's Fair |
92 |
Chicago, Illinois |
92, 93, 94, 114 |
Chief Bad Boy |
see Bad Boy, Chief |
Chief Big Dog |
see Big Dog, Chief |
Chief Buffalo |
see Buffalo, Chief |
Chief Curly Hair |
see Curly Hair, Chief |
Chief Hole-in-the-Day I |
see Hole-in-the-Day I, Chief |
Chief Hole-in-the-Day II |
see Hole-in-the-Day II, Chief |
Chief Little Crow |
see Little Crow, Chief |
Chief Naw-wa-ge-shick |
see Naw-wa-ge-shick, Chief |
Chief Wadena |
see Wadena, Chief |
Chief Wa-pa-se-na |
see Wa-pa-se-na, Chief |
Chippewa Convention |
265 |
Chippewa Indians |
see Ojibwe Indians |
Cholera |
180, 279 |
Chomkey, Charles |
311 |
Chonteau, Peter |
237 |
Church of the Holy Cross, Two Rivers |
323 |
Church, C. E. |
333 |
Churches |
199-204, 311, 322-328, see also specific denominations |
Churchill, Orlando A. |
47, 49, 102, 184, 197, 256 |
Cigar factories |
152 |
Circus in Little Falls |
12 |
City Hall, Little Falls |
see LF City Hall |
City of Pines |
118 |
Civil War |
2, 5, 7, 41, 43, 103, 124, 154, 155-158, 169, 174, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 208, 214, 234, 272, 286, 298, 305, 313, 331 |
Civil War 2 |
332, 334, 337, 338, 340 |
Civil War draft |
321-322 |
Civil War soldiers |
320-322 |
Clark, A. J. |
52, 211, 216, 331, 334 |
Clark, Charles |
320, 321 |
Clark, Henry |
114 |
Clark, P. N. |
76 |
Clark, Wait & McClure, Messrs. |
212, 301 |
Clarke, Nehemiah P. |
80 |
Clay |
299-300 |
Clay County |
46 |
Clay deposit |
80 |
Clyde, H. S. |
302 |
Clyde, New York |
16-17 |
Clyde, O. L. |
27 (photo), 50, 302 |
Cob-ba-conse |
25 |
Cockle machine |
121 |
Coe, Alanson |
114 |
Coe, Aribert |
320 |
Coe, Martha A. |
114 |
Coe, O. A. |
187, 273 |
Coe, Orrin J. |
320 |
Collins, L. W. |
331 |
Colt's six shooter/revolver |
243, 251 |
Columbian Law College |
332 |
Com-a-gi-win |
see I scalp dance |
Commerce Township, Michigan |
17, 20, 118 |
Commissioner of Indian Affairs |
168, 233 |
Congregational Church |
91, 201-202, 270, 271, 325 |
Conn, cornet manufacturer |
58 |
Constitutional Convention |
194, 196, 272, 335 |
Consumption |
189, 338 |
Copper, drift |
299 |
Copway, George |
221, 268 |
Corbin, Dura |
191 |
Coues, Elliott |
116 |
Courthouse |
see MC courthouse |
Crampton, Mr. |
316 |
Cranes |
312 |
Crimes |
204-206, 308-311, see also Little Falls War & Lynching |
Crooks, Hon. William |
292 |
Crookston |
211, 330-331 |
Crow Wing |
165, 167, 168, 177, 178, 186, 187, 195, 220, 221, 222, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 239, 241, 247, 250, 251, 273-274, 277, 278, 288, 294, 295, 335 |
Crow Wing Agency |
42, 168, 195, 232 |
Crow Wing County |
46, 177, 277, 337, 339, 341, 344 |
Crow Wing River |
28, 29, 44, 168, 176, 178, 195, 220, 238, 240, 245, 246, 276, 290, 302, 335 |
Crow Wing Store |
39 |
Culdrum Township |
181, 189, 198, 200, 203, 205, 207-208, 215, 280, 305, 309, 324, 326, 338, 342, 344 |
Curfew |
98 |
Curly Hair, Chief |
236 |
Currie, John |
320 |
Cutler, Rev. W. A. |
202, 325 |
Dada, Rev. W. B. |
201, 202, 270, 325 |
Dagget, Mr. |
250 |
Dahkotah County |
28 |
Dakota Conflict |
see U.S./Dakota War |
Dakota Indians |
2, 28, 29, 41-42, 116, 139, 165-166, 220, 222-223, 229-233, 236-237, 246-247, 250-251, 255, 264-265, 293-294 |
Dakota Territory |
60, 250, 333 |
Dakota/U.S. War |
see U.S./Dakota War |
Dam, Little Falls |
see LF dam |
Dana, Captain Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh |
29 |
Dance houses |
see Houses of ill fame |
Dances |
12, 62, 171, 283 |
Danes |
191, 192, 314, 323, 326 |
Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church, Culdrum |
326-327 |
Dargis, M. |
80 |
Davidson Brothers |
80 |
Davidson, A. R. |
90 |
Davidson, Andrew D. |
97 |
Davis, Governor |
205, 309 |
Dearing, John |
320, 321 |
Dearing, John B. |
187, 294 |
Deaths |
215, 342, see also Accidental shootings, Drownings, Lynching, Murders, Suicides |
Deer |
220, 246, 255, 307, 308 |
Deer horn in tree |
298 |
DeGraff & Company |
140 |
DeGraff, Charles A. |
292 |
Delano, Minnesota |
97 |
Democrats |
63, 67, 71, 74, 97, 217, 342-343 |
Denney, John |
188 |
Dennis, Margaret |
90 |
Department of Relics & Ornaments |
112 |
Department of the Interior |
292 |
Desautel (Desotel), Mary |
58-59, 71 |
Detour, Widow |
237 |
Detroit Convention |
65 |
Detroit, Michigan |
118 |
Detroit, Minnesota |
211, 331 |
Diedrich, Joseph |
141 |
Diptheria |
90, 146 |
Disher, Henry |
320 |
Docken, John |
193 |
Doctors |
186-187, 193, 199, 209-210, 242, 268, 273, 285, 297, 305, 307, 317, 326, 328-330 |
Dodge, Charles |
see Thompson, Hugh |
Dog ordinace |
90 |
Dog trains |
248 |
Dogs running loose |
90, 144 |
Dole, Commissioner of Indian Affairs |
168, 233, 259 |
Doran, James |
79 (photo) |
Doran, John |
135 |
Doten, True E. |
298 |
Douglas County |
46 |
Dow, Mrs. |
251 |
Dow, William L. |
251, 320 |
Drinking by minor children |
137 |
Drougts |
see Drouths |
Drouths |
38, 40, 213, 340 |
Drownings |
209, 306, 308, 312, 313-318, 319, 320 |
Drums |
249, 250 |
Drunken Polanders |
58 |
Dry goods |
185 |
Ducks |
177, 255, 266, 313 |
Duclos, O. |
80, 83 (photo of Duclos Brickyard) |
Dufort, Andrew |
316 |
Dufort, Cyriac |
316 |
Dufort, Frank Sr. |
36 (photo) |
Dufour, Cyriac |
187 |
Dugas, Alfred |
187 |
Dugas, Ludger |
187 |
Duluth |
198, 337 |
Dunn, Robert C. |
105 |
E. G. Hill & Bro. |
212 |
Eagle feather |
255 |
Early families in Little Falls |
22 |
Eastman, George |
188 |
Easty, Charles |
302 |
Easty, Dan |
193 |
Economic depression |
see LF economic depression |
Education |
248, see Schools |
Egg, hen's |
110 |
Elbow Lake |
293 |
Elections |
52, 78, 86-88, 90-95, 97-98, 131, 132, 138-139, 144, 147-148, 149, 150, 154, 158, 160-161, 164, 193-194, 195, 196, 197, 198-199, 204, 210, 215 |
Elections 2 |
216-217, 226, 272, 291, 330, 333, 335, 336, 338-339, 342-343 |
Electric & Water Company |
see Little Falls Electric Light, Power & Heating Company |
Electric & Water Power Company |
see Little Falls Electric Light, Power & Heating Company & Little Falls Water Works Company |
Electric lights/electricity |
see LF electric lights/electricity |
Elephant on Broadway (Little Falls) |
12 |
Elginson, Charles |
109 |
Elk |
220, 246, 270 |
Elk Horn House |
184, 185 |
Elk Lake |
115-116 |
Elk River |
48 |
Elkhart, Indiana |
58 |
Elmdale Township |
43, 65, 323, 344 |
Elwell, T. |
192, 299, 303 |
England |
268 |
English |
248, 268 |
Enmegahbowh |
35, 41-42, 105, 107, 112, 115, 221-222, 268-268 |
Episcopalians/Episcopalian Church |
203, 222, 252, 269, 327 |
Erie Canal |
16, 17 |
Eroux (Heroux), Mitchel |
187 |
Europe |
219, 220, 244, 245, 268 |
Everest, Rev. |
203, 327 |
Ewing |
237 |
Excelsior Cornet Band |
58, 61 |
Explorers |
2, 218-221 |
Fadovessian Indians (Nadovessians) |
219, 244 |
Fairbanks, William B. |
25, 30, 164, 184, 226 |
Fallbrook, California |
61 |
Fallon, G. |
321 |
Fallon, M. |
320 |
Fargo, Dakota Territory |
60 |
Farmer's Review |
114 |
Farming |
see Agriculture & farming |
Farnum, E. H. |
72 |
Farnum, Philo |
190 |
Farrer, Charles |
191, 320 |
Farrington, Mr. |
171, 284 |
Farrow, Charles |
188 |
Father of Waters |
see Mississippi River |
Fearing, Rudolph |
114 |
Fergus Falls |
179, 278 |
Fergus Falls Minnesota State Hospital for the Insane |
71 |
Fergus, Andrew |
23 |
Fergus, James |
23, 25, 30, 38, 112-113, 164, 179, 181-182, 226, 278, 280-281 |
Fergus, Luella |
23 |
Fergus, Mary Agnes |
23 |
Fergus, Pamelia |
23, 112 |
Ferrand (Farrand), F. J. |
114, 187, 202, 320, 325 |
Ferries |
113, 166, 180, 195, 214, 229, 232, 237, 279. 296, 334, 340-341, see also NR ferry operator |
Fictitious townsites |
179 |
Fifield, H. |
302 |
Fire brigade |
89 (photo) |
Fire issues |
see LF fire issues |
Firemen's Ball |
62 |
First National Bank |
97 |
Fish Lake |
166, 229 |
Fish/fishing |
71, 242, 248, 254-255, 259 |
Fitzgerald, Georgia |
152, 154, 155, 157 |
Fleckenstein, John |
193 |
Fletcher Creek |
177, 277 |
Fletcher, Dr. E. |
210, 329 |
Fletcher, Mr. |
183, 282 |
Floods/high water |
99, 133, 139, 183-184, 211, 212-213, 282, 301, 314, 339-340 |
Flynn |
66 |
Flynn, J. C. |
82 |
Foisy, Clara |
see Richardson, Clarrilla |
Foisy, Joseph |
56, 57 (photo) |
Folsom, George |
103 |
Folsom, William H. C. |
103 |
Fond du Lac |
222, 236, 265, 268 |
Fort Gaines |
29 |
Fort Garry |
222, 273, 274 |
Fort Ridgely |
129 |
Fort Ripley |
29, 42, 47, 168-169, 176, 177, 180, 186, 188-189, 205, 207, 214, 223, 232, 234, 259, 264, 274, 276, 277, 279, 301, 304-305, 309, 319, 329, 337, 340, 341, 344 |
Fort Snelling |
194, 222, 237, 242, 271, 274, 300, 321, 337 |
Fort Wayne, Indiana |
237 |
Fortier, Dr. G. M. A. |
79 (photo) |
Foster, F. N. |
110, 330, 331 |
Foster, I. L. |
192, 302 |
Fournier, Joseph |
190 |
France |
121 |
Franciscan Sisters |
90, 199, 200, 322 |
Franks, William |
312 |
Free Masons |
204, 328 |
Free Methodist Church, Motley |
327 |
Free Thinkers |
328 |
Freewill Baptist Church |
203, 327 |
French people |
67, 187, 195, 196, 220, 246, 247-248, 312, 316, 335, 336 |
French, Col. C. E. |
185, 333 |
Frey, John |
30 |
Fritz (German peddler killed by Indians) |
33, 35, 169, 235 |
Frontier closed |
6 |
Frozen pipes |
145-146 |
Fry, John |
164, 226 |
Fuller, Justice |
65 |
Fuller, S. P. |
114, 184 |
Fuller, Sadie |
90 |
Fuller, W. M. |
84 |
Fur traders |
2, 211, 219, 220, 221, 222, 237, 245, 246, 247-248, 267, 274, 280, 294 |
Furniture store |
186 |
Gagnon, Peter |
187, 320 |
Galley, H. |
114 |
Gambling |
33, 87, 91-92,100, 144, 147-148, 241, 283 |
Garden, Arthur |
167, 171, 231, 242, 283 |
Garden, Charles (Jr.) |
243 |
Garden, Charles E. |
242-243 |
Garden, Louisa |
243 |
Gaudet, Ludger M. |
75 (photo) |
Geer, G. O. |
193 |
Geer, George T. |
193 |
Geese |
255 |
Geissel, George |
341 |
Geissel, Senator |
140 |
Geissel, Sheriff |
206, 310 |
General Land Office |
102 |
Geology |
296-300 |
Georgia |
194, 272, 334 |
Germania |
66 |
Germans |
66-67, 191, 192, 193, 199, 200, 203, 207, 212, 223, 235, 264, 269, 297, 308, 310, 311, 329 |
Germany |
269, 270 |
Gessner, Mike |
192 |
Getchell, E. S. |
303 |
Gibson, A. H. |
320 |
Gigabish, Charles |
33 |
Gilman, Charley |
66 |
Gilman, Hon. C. A. |
301 |
Gilmore, A. L. |
76 |
Glazier, Willard |
115-116 |
Glenwood |
47, 48, 118, 179, 199, 290, 291 |
Godfrey |
237 |
Gold |
299 |
Gold Rush |
6, 38, 39 |
Gold Rush Widows |
7, 38 |
Good Templers |
204, 328 |
Gordon, Tom |
79 (photo) |
Gorst, John |
197, 273 |
Goulet, Cyril |
319 |
Goulet, David O. |
318-319 |
Goulet, F. X. |
301, 303, 319 |
Grady, Edward |
320 |
Graham, T. B. |
90 |
Grand Army of the Republic |
157 |
Grand Jury indictment |
37 |
Grandelmeyer, Mrs. |
294 |
Grange Fraternity |
187, 204, 328 |
Granite (rock) |
192, 299 |
Granite City |
179, 192, 278, 299, 344 |
Granite Township |
181, 192, 280 |
Grant Township |
45, 191 |
Grant, President U. S. |
337 |
Grasshopper plague |
38, 48, 174, 287-288 |
Gravel & Butler's |
39 |
Gravel, Charles |
80, 186, 212, 301, 303, 319 |
Gravel, F. X. |
184 |
Gravel, Narcisse |
301 |
Gravelville |
344 |
Gray, John B. |
192 |
Great Father |
see President of the United States |
Great Lakes |
219-220, 245 |
Great Northern Railroad |
see RR Great Northern |
Great Rock |
221, 247 |
Green Prairie |
176, 192, 276 |
Green Prairie Township |
181, 188, 203, 215, 280, 327, 342, 344 |
Green, Charles H. |
188, 320, 321 |
Green, James |
114, 190, 320, 321 |
Green, James (dam & sawmill builder) |
23, 29, 180, 181, 279, 280, 301 |
Green, James, widow of |
180, 279 |
Green, Peter A. |
187 |
Green, Widow |
222, 264 |
Grell, William |
193 |
Grey, John B. |
190 |
Groceries |
185 |
Gross, J. J. |
75 (photo) |
Guernon, Dr. A. |
122, 208, 210, 217, 305, 329 |
Guerut, Rev. S. A. |
327 |
Gull Lake |
41, 167, 169, 170, 201, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 267, 268, 269, 293 |
Hale, J. C. |
76 |
Halfbreeds |
see Metis |
Hall, James |
193, 210, 330 |
Hall, James O. |
210 |
Hall, Martin |
188 |
Hallinen, Thomas |
312 |
Hamilton, Elma E. |
59-61 |
Hamilton, Helon (Helan) |
188, 320, 321 |
Hamilton, S. T. |
187 |
Hamlin, F. E. |
332 |
Hamlin, John |
190, 320 |
Hamlin, Judge E. O. |
210, 330, 332 |
Hamlin, Louis |
185 |
Hammond, Daniel |
320 |
Hammond, Sylus |
320 |
Hamner, John |
109 |
Hansen, Christian |
326 |
Hanson, H. C. |
191 |
Harding, H. N. |
75 (photo) |
Hardware |
185 |
Harker, Clarrilla |
19, 62 |
Harker, J. D. |
110 |
Harker, Mary Anne Richardson |
x, xiii, 19, 31, 32 (photo), 34, 56, 62, color plate 8 |
Harker, William |
19, 62, color plate 8 |
Harman, Archer |
76 |
Harper's Weekly |
333 |
Harrison, A. D. |
88 |
Harrison, Lon |
79 (photo) |
Harrison, Mrs. William |
312 |
Harrison, William |
114, 165, 227, 321 |
Harting & Sons |
88 |
Harting, Lizzie |
114 |
Harting, W. E. |
114 |
Hastings |
331 |
Havre, Montana |
115 |
Hawley, Rev. F. B. |
327 |
Hay Creek |
176, 276 |
Hayes, Mother Superior Mary Ignatius |
322, 334 |
Hayes, P. W. |
114 |
Hayes, President Rutherford B. |
277 |
Hayes, Sheriff T. J. |
186, 206, 217, 310 |
Hays, Calhoun |
192 |
Health & safety issues |
90 |
Helena, Montana |
152 |
Hennenlotter |
69 |
Hennenlotter, Anna |
34, 73 (photo), 75 (photo), 111 (photo), 124 |
Hennenlotter, Helen |
111 (photo) |
Hennenlotter, Severen |
x, 34 |
Hennenlotter, Sylvester |
34, 187, 217 |
Hennenlotter, Walburga |
33, 34 |
Hennepin County |
330 |
Hennepin Paper Mill |
80, 81 (photo) |
Hennepin, Fr. Louis |
218-220, 243-245 |
Herron, Robert |
86 |
Heverin, Thomas |
205-206, 309-310 |
Hicks, Ezra |
202, 325 |
Hicks, Henry G. |
64 |
High water |
see Floods |
Hill & Richardson Store |
color plate 3 |
Hill, E. G. |
39, 212, 301, 321 |
Hill, H. S. |
320, 321 |
Hill, Henry S. |
217, 301 |
Hill, Jonas |
320 |
Hill, Joseph A. |
187 |
Hill, Stephen |
187, 197 |
Hillman Brook |
177, 212, 276-277, 301, 302 |
History of the Ojibwe People |
29 |
History of the Upper Mississippi Valley |
22 |
Hoepner, John |
45, 198, 338 |
Hoffman, Fred |
79 (photo) |
Hole-in-the-Day I, Chief |
166-167, 168, 230-231, 236, 238 |
Hole-in-the-Day II, Chief |
41-42, 103, 139, 166-169, 201, 223, 230-235, 239, 251, 257, 259, 260, 264, 269-270 |
Holenbeck, G. |
193 |
Holmes, Thomas A. |
295 |
Homeopathy |
210, 329 |
Hoover, Robert |
326 |
Horace, Dakota Territory |
60 |
Horse racing |
58, 61, 71, 121 |
Horton, John |
118 |
Hose Company No. 3 |
12 |
Hospital, Little Falls |
see St. Gabriel's Hospital |
Hotels |
184, 185, 189, 192- 193, 279, 280, 335, 337 |
Hotels 2 |
see also Northern Hotel, Elk Horn House, Vasaly House, James Warren, Wm. Aitken, NR hotel |
Houde, Celestine |
187, 319 |
Houde, Frank |
114, 319, 320 |
Houde, Leon |
52, 58, 63-65, 67, 71, 102-103, 217, 259, 260, 292, 319 |
Hounsom, Ambrosia G. |
114 |
Hounsom, H. H. |
114 |
House construction |
see LF house construction |
Houses of ill fame |
91, 93, 94, 100 |
Howard, J. |
76 |
Howe Truss bridge |
26, 27 (photo) |
Hubbert, C. H. |
76, 78 |
Hubbert, I. N. |
76 |
Huckleberries |
242 |
Huddleson, Rev. Allen |
221, 268 |
Hughes, E. P. |
100 |
Human rights |
7-9 |
Hunting |
58, 71, 209, 220, 236, 237, 246, 254, 255, 306, 307, 308, 311, 312, 313 |
Hutchings, J. B. |
88 |
Hutchings, Samuel |
76 |
Hyson, Herman |
320 |
Hyson, Thomas |
35 |
I annuities |
41, 105, 107-108, 166, 171, 230, 232, 234-235, 239, 242, 248 |
I buying Indians as soldiers |
41 |
I ceding lands in central Minnesota |
28, 237, 257 |
I census, not included in |
21, 28 |
I hostilities between Ojibwe & Dakota |
230, 236-241, 242, 246-247, 250-251, 255, see also Indians raiding parties |
I Indian agents |
6, 41, 102, 105, 107, 167, 171, 231, 234, 242, 243, 256, 263, 271, 283 |
I Indian Appropriations Act |
6 |
I land conflicts |
6, 41, 46, 101-105, 107-108, 256-263, 292-293 |
I medicine dance |
248-249 |
I pipe dance |
250 |
I pits |
see Pits & ridges, for defense or burial |
I raiding parties |
165-166, 230, 241, 250-251, 293-294 |
I scalp dance |
166, 230, 242, 249-250 |
I southern dance |
250 |
I treaties |
6, 28, 41, 101-104, 167, 168, 231, 232, 233-234, 236, 237, 242, 258, 262, 265, see also Indians, land conflicts |
I war dance |
166, 230, 249, 255 |
Ice on river |
213, 340 |
Illinois |
174, 175, 286 |
Immigration |
6, 17, 21, 28 |
Inaugural Addresses |
see NR inaugural addresses |
Indians |
21, 46, 115, 128, 133, 177, 181, 186, 194, 201, 218-219, 228, 243-245, 274, 280, 294, 315 |
Indians 2 |
see also Dakota, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Ojibwe, Winnebago |
Industrial Revolution |
2 |
Infidels |
328 |
Inventions |
2-5 |
Iowa |
29, 118, 175, 189, 191, 307, 331 |
Ireland |
189 |
Irish wake |
313 |
Irvine, John R. |
29, 301 |
Issati Indians |
219, 244 |
Italians |
221, 247 |
Itasca County |
28, 46 |
J. Cook & Co. |
289 |
J. Simmons & Bro. |
185 |
Jackson, Mrs. |
190 |
Jackson, Steve |
190 |
James (one of lynched men) |
33 |
Janesville |
179, 278, 292 |
Jarboe, Jennie |
114 |
Jenkins, George |
114 |
Jensen, H. P. |
326 |
Jodon, Dr. Zachariah |
27, 172, 209, 285, 328 |
Johnson, John |
193 |
Johnson, Rev. John |
see Enmegahbowh |
Jones, J. W. |
84 |
Jordon, Albert |
266-268 |
Joss, Rev. A. A. |
90 |
Judges |
330, 332-333, see also NR Judge of Probate |
June, John |
27, 37, 172, 285 |
Ka-guay-do-say |
102, 256-257, 263 |
Kansas |
174, 287 |
Keeler, Ella M. |
114 |
Keeler, George W. |
114 |
Keke-bicauge |
see Great Rock |
Keller, John |
207, 304-305 |
Kemper, John |
192 |
Kendall, Ella A. |
313-314 |
Kendall, Walter F. |
313-314 |
Kernen, Frank |
193 |
Kidder, Dorothy "Dolly" |
22 |
Kidder, Elliot |
22, 30, 114, 164, 184, 226 |
Kidder, John |
22, 25, 181-182, 280-281 |
Kidder, Lydia |
22 |
Kidder, Mathilda |
22 |
Kimball, G. G. |
188, 191, 216, 320, 321 |
Kincer, Nick |
191 |
Kinney (Kenney), Barney |
205, 208, 305, 309 |
Kinney (Kenney), Martin |
205, 309 |
Kinney (Kenney), Robert |
205, 309 |
Kinney, K. J. |
291 |
Kinney, Rev. R. D. |
325, 327-328 |
Kinnie, Rev. T. C. |
202, 327 |
Klein, Matt. |
191 |
Knowls, William |
180, 279 |
Kobe, Joseph A. |
121 |
Konen, Frank |
193 |
Kovets, Fred |
307 |
La Mountain, Charles |
312 |
Lachance, J. D. |
216 |
LaFond, Charles |
79 (photo) |
LaFond, George |
86, 90, 97 |
LaFond, Moses |
49, 184, 196, 295, 302, 319, 335-336 |
Lafond, Olive |
56 |
Lake Alexander |
239 |
Lake Between the Hills |
228, 237 |
Lake County |
46 |
Lake Itasca |
115 |
Lake Mille Lacs |
see Mille Lacs Lake |
Lake Superior |
220, 236, 237, 242, 245, 246, 248, 289, 290, 292, 294, 298 |
Lake Whipple |
49 |
Laken, Charles |
190 |
Laken, Mrs. |
190 |
Lambert, James |
187 |
Lambert, Richard |
30, 187, 320 |
Lambert, William T. |
320, 321 |
Lamothe, Fr. Arthur |
xiii |
Lampart, R. J. |
190 |
Lampasus, Texas |
338 |
Land claims, homesteads, sales, speculation, surveys, warrants |
176, 177-178, 179, 181-182, 192, 195, 196, 197, 259, 276, 277-278, 288, 289, 291, 293, 300, 332 |
Land Congress of World's Fair |
118 |
Langola |
133 |
Lansing, Michigan |
120 |
Lapoint, Wisconsin |
195, 236, 335 |
Larose, Charles |
237 |
Latham, Alice |
114 |
Latham, Charles |
114 |
Lawyers |
210-211, 264, 330-332, 334 |
Leavitt, E. J. |
185, 193 |
Ledoux |
344 |
Ledoux, James |
316 |
Ledoux, Mitchel(l) |
187, 320 |
Lee, Samuel |
22, 190, 246, 320 |
Leech Lake |
101, 107, 167, 168, 171, 174, 220, 221, 231, 238, 240, 247, 265, 283, 287 |
Leech Lake Indians |
220, 231, 233, 239, 247 |
Leland's Rink |
62 |
Lemay, Peter |
72 |
Lemey, Joseph |
320 |
Lewis, Dr. William |
186-187, 273, 329 |
Lewis, Robert |
190 |
LF boom |
78, 79, 133, 140 |
LF bridge |
see Mississippi River bridge |
LF Broadway |
84, 99 |
LF businesses |
184, 185-186, 196, 197, 211, 242-243, 319, 336, 339 |
LF canal |
134 |
LF city charter |
78, 140 |
LF City Council |
79 (photo), 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 95, 98-99, 130, 132, 138-139, 140, 142, 143, 148-149, 150, 161 |
LF city finances |
130, 132-136, 142, 144, 145, 149, 150-151, 159 |
LF City Hall |
88, 89 (photo), 90, 99, 134, 136 |
LF clay deposit |
80 |
LF Cob-ba-conse (west side) |
25 |
LF countyseat |
181, 226, 278, 280 |
LF cultural amenities |
90 |
LF dam |
4, 23, 25, 38, 76, 77 (photo), 78, 79 (photo), 80, 83, 99, 129, 133, 134, 139, 159, 180, 182-183, 279, 281-282 |
LF early families |
22 |
LF east side |
80, 82, 98, 106, 139, 180, 181, 182 |
LF economic depression |
33, 38-39, 40, 129, 133, 139-140, 143, 151-153, 161, 182, 184-185, 281-282 |
LF electric lights/electricity |
82, 84, 88, 99, 131, 134. 140-141 |
LF expansion |
25-25, 28, 76-82, 91, 129, 133, 134, 137, 139, 140, 143, 149, 184, 281 |
LF fire brigade |
89 (photo) |
LF fire issues |
84, 87, 88, 99, 109-110, 135, 136, 140-141, 145, 146 |
LF fountains |
136 |
LF from village to city |
78, 159 |
LF health & safety issues |
90, 137 |
LF health officer |
137, 146 |
LF homes shipped downriver |
133 |
LF house construction |
138, 140, 146, 151, 184, 340 |
LF incorporated as village |
52 |
LF industry |
76, 78, 80-84, 129, 130, 133, 134-135, 140, 151-152, 159, 195, 211, 280-282 |
LF infrastructure |
82, 88, 90, 99, 130-131, 134-135, 140-141 |
LF land quality |
130, 133, 136 |
LF Maple Street |
84 |
LF Oak Street |
84 |
LF ordinances |
82, 84, 86, 87, 90, 136 |
LF parks |
136 |
LF pink brick |
80 |
LF plat of village |
26, 143 |
LF police |
88, 98, 124, 136, 141, 145, 153, 159, 161, 162 |
LF ravine |
25-26, 27 (photo), 172, 284 |
LF roads |
82, 88, 99, 131, 136, 159 |
LF salaries of officials & employees |
130, 136-137, 150, 159 |
LF sewers |
82, 88, 99, 130, 136, 141 |
LF sidewalks |
82, 84, 88, 90, 131, 145 |
LF state road to Sauk Centre |
46 |
LF street cars |
82, 84, 131, 141 |
LF street sprinkling |
84, 136 |
LF survey |
25, 26, 128, 181-182, 280-281 |
LF telephone poles |
84 |
LF Village Council |
72, 153 |
LF water mains |
88 |
LF water power |
76, 80, 82, 88, 129, 130-131, 134-135, 140, 145, 151, 159, 180, 182-183, 184, 212, 279, 280-282 |
LF waterfall |
22, 76, 279, 312 |
LF west side |
25, 28, 80, 82, 83 (photos), 88, 98, 139, 155, 180 |
LF wing dam and mill |
23, 180, 181, 279, 301 |
LF yellow brick |
80, 84 |
LFMC bridges & road building |
25-26 |
LFMC formation & purpose |
25 |
Libby, Captain |
168, 233 |
Limestone |
299 |
Lindbergh Syndrome |
59 |
Lindbergh, Charles A., Jr. |
59 |
Lindbergh, Charles A., Sr. |
59, 61, 86, 98 |
Lindbergh, Frank |
86 |
Liquor |
91-94, 204, 205, 207, 241, 284, 304, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314, 338, see also Beer, Saloons, Whiskey |
Literature |
10-11 |
Little Crow, Chief |
41, 251, 255 |
Little Crow's son |
255 |
Little Elk |
179, 195, 211-212, 222, 278, 334 |
Little Elk River |
23, 26, 45, 46, 80, 166, 176, 195, 221, 230, 237, 238, 241, 268, 269, 276, 300, 301, 303, 307, 312, 334 |
Little Falls & Dakota Railroad |
see Railroad |
Little Falls & Southern Railroad |
see RR Little Falls & Southern |
Little Falls 1 |
30, 35, 39, 40, 47, 48, 49, 59, 61, 62, 76, 78, 80, 85 (photo), 101, 102, 106 (photo), 124, 127-162, 164, 168-169, 170, 176, 179, 180, 181, 189, 191 |
Little Falls 2 |
195, 197, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 206, 208, 209, 211-212, 214, 215, 221, 222, 227, 229, 230, 231, 234, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 247, 250, 251 |
Little Falls 3 |
253, 254, 255-264, 265, 267, 268, 270, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280-286, 290, 292, 293, 296-297, 298, 300, 302, 305, 308, 310, 312, 313, 314, 316 |
Little Falls 4 |
318, 319, 322, 323-324, 325, 327, 328-329, 330-331, 334, 335, 337, 339, 340-341, 342, 344 |
Little Falls Chamber of Commerce |
76, 78 |
Little Falls Company |
181-182, 280-281, 301 |
Little Falls Courier |
185, 333 |
Little Falls Electric Light, Power & Heating Company |
78, 79 (photo), 84, 87, 88, 99, 130, 134, 145, 159 |
Little Falls Lumber Company Mill |
80, 81 (photo) |
Little Falls Manufacturing Company |
22, 23, 28, 30, 38, 110, 112, 118, 182-183, 185, 196, 281-282, 312, 333, 336 |
Little Falls Milling Company |
80 |
Little Falls Prairie |
170, 176, 235, 275 |
Little Falls Roller Mill |
80 |
Little Falls Sun |
62-68, 70-71, 74 |
Little Falls Township |
43, 181, 204, 215, 280, 342, 344 |
Little Falls Transcript |
52, 55 (photo), 63, 68, 71, 91, 94-95, 123-124, 185, 226, 333-334, 336-337 |
Little Falls War |
27, 33, 37-38, 113, 170-174, 184, 283-287 |
Little Falls Water Works Company |
80, 88, 134, 145 |
Little Falls West |
25 |
Little Falls, Mille Lacs & Lake Superior Railroad |
see RR Little Falls, Mille Lacs & Lake Superior |
Little Pokegama Lake |
194, 271 |
Little Rock |
338 |
Little Rock Creek |
177, 277 |
Little Rock Lake |
229 |
Little Rock River |
221, 247 |
Little Texas |
50, 344 |
Livestock, keeping them off streets |
58, 87, 90, 144 |
Lochren, William |
64 |
Log jams |
99-100 |
Logan, J. D. |
302 |
Logging & lumber |
21, 23, 39-40, 61, 80, 81 (photos), 99-100, 102-103, 118, 176-177, 180, 190, 193, 197, 209, 276-277, 279, 300-303, 306, 312, 314, 319, 338, 343 |
London, England |
128 |
Long Lake |
195, 335 |
Long Prairie |
118, 180, 186, 208, 211, 279, 305, 330 |
Long Prairie River |
28, 29 |
Long Prairie Road |
26, 180, 279 |
Long, William J. |
76 |
Lost children of Two Rivers |
314-316 |
Louisiana |
118, 339 |
Louisville, Kentucky investors |
76 |
Lowe, Charles. F. |
307 |
Lulo |
179, 278 |
Luse, Major C. P. |
105, 107 |
Lutheran Church |
203, 326 |
Lutheran Danish Church |
323 |
Lynching |
33, 35, 169-170, 198, 235-236, 337 |
Lynching, bones dug up |
35, 36 (photo), 37, 110, 116, 235-236 |
Lyon(s), Frank W. |
75 (photo), 79 (photo), 97 |
Mackinaw (Macanac) |
194, 271, 272 |
Macomb County, Michigan |
17 |
Mahan, Ed |
154-158 |
Mahkahta County |
28, 29 |
Maine Prairie, Stearns County |
251 |
Maple Island Park |
90 |
Maple Street, Little Falls |
84 |
Maple sugar |
175, 239-240, 241, 242, 255, 259, 266, 275, 343 |
Marchant, A. |
114 |
Marotte |
122 |
Marriages |
215, 342 |
Marsh, Jonathan |
320 |
Marshall, Governor |
333 |
Marteneau, Nelson |
321 |
Martin place |
189 |
Martin, James |
205, 207-209, 305-306, 309 |
Mason, Daniel |
187 |
Massachusetts |
194, 331 |
Materialists |
328 |
May-may-way-aush |
263 |
Mayo, Dr. L. |
199, 339 |
Maza-mani, Chief |
see Moose-o-ma-na, Chief |
MC assessing land in Todd County |
45 |
MC changing boundary between Morrison & Todd |
42-45, 338 |
MC climate |
174-175, 212-213, 220, 245, 279, 282, 311, 314, 316, 339-340 |
MC commissioners |
30, 37, 42, 43, 46, 64, 74, 113, 164-165, 180, 183, 186, 188, 214, 216-217, 226-227, 279, 282, 322, 336, 341 |
MC county attorneys |
330-331, see also NR County Attorney |
MC courthouse |
31, 75 (photo), 101, 115, 164-165, 168-169, 227, 233, 234 |
MC eastern portion formed |
28-29, 42, 164, 198, 226 |
MC election precincts |
30, 164, 226-227, 295 |
MC financial statement |
254 |
MC first election |
30, 164, 226 |
MC frontier |
21, 23, 48 |
MC map (1916) |
xiv, color plate 16 |
MC natural resources |
39-40, 128, 133, 175-177, 179, 200, 275-277 |
MC organization |
164, 180-181, 226-227, 279-280 |
MC polling places |
30 |
MC settlement |
2, 28, 178, 277-278, 304 |
MC tax assessments |
30-31 |
MC western portion added |
42-45, 134, 164, 198-199, 226, 338 |
McAlister College |
186 |
McCartey, Daniel |
320 |
McClellan election precinct |
43 |
McClellan, Col. C. |
291 |
McClure, Mrs. |
250 |
McDonald, Donald |
222 |
McDonald, John |
88 |
McDougall, Donald |
188, 274 |
McDougall, Duncan |
xiii, 30, 187, 294, 320 |
McDougall, John |
320 |
McDougall, Mrs. |
188 |
McDougall, Peter |
188, 294 |
McGilla, John |
30 |
McGilles, John |
187 |
McKelvy, Hon. James M. |
52, 332-333 |
McMannis, Dr. A. J. |
110, 329 |
Mecusker, Alderman |
100 |
Me-da-we-win |
see Indian medicine dance |
Medicine men |
249 |
Medina County, Ohio |
339 |
Medved, Peter |
49, 72 |
Melrose |
315 |
Memorial Park, Little Falls |
106 (photo) |
Mendota |
238 |
Mercantiles |
see LF businesses & NR mercantile business |
Merraw, Lewis |
211, 237 |
Metcalf, Dr. |
209, 328 |
Methodist Episcopal Church |
221, 268, 325 |
Methodists/ Methodist Church |
87, 200, 203, 323-324, 326, 327 |
Metis |
204, 231, 243, 247-248, 250-251, 253, 256, 263-264, 265, 266-268, 272, 294, 308, 335 |
Meyer(s), Joseph L. |
75 (photo), 90 |
Meyer, Florian |
311 |
Meyers, Frank |
75 (photo) |
Meyers, Mr., for Senator |
67 |
Mh-ing-gonce |
263 |
Michigan |
17, 20, 118, 120, 196, 200, 269, 273, 303 |
Mill Island |
183, 282 |
Millbauer, John |
307-308 |
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe |
101-105, 106 (photos), 107-108, 124, 167, 231, 254-266, 292-293 |
Mille Lacs County |
46, 118, 339 |
Mille Lacs Lake |
22, 174, 218, 219, 242, 243, 244, 254, 287 |
Mille Lacs Reservation |
101-105, 254-263, 265, 293 |
Mille Lacs Road |
26 |
Miller, Rev. |
327 |
Miller, Robert R. |
320, 321 |
Milling, flour (grist) |
80, 88, 99, 133, 134, 139, 182, 183, 195-196, 211-212, 281-282, 301, 303-304, 334-335 |
Milling, lumber |
80, 81 (photos), 88, 99, 128, 133, 135, 139, 180, 181, 182, 191, 192, 195-196, 198, 211-212, 279, 280, 281-282, 300-303, 334-335, 337 |
Milling, paper |
80, 81 (photo), 88, 134 |
Mink |
220, 246 |
Minneapolis (St. Anthony) |
21, 23, 48, 80, 99, 102, 118, 186, 196, 198, 208, 243, 272, 298, 300, 301, 303, 305, 307, 314, 326, 331, 337 |
Minnesota |
113, 118, 128, 236, 243, 271 |
Minnesota & Pacific Railroad |
see RR Minnesota & Pacific |
Minnesota Brick Company |
80 |
Minnesota Historical Society |
116 |
Minnesota Legislative District No. 6 |
295 |
Minnesota River |
180, 221, 247, 255, 279 |
Minnesota State Agricultural Society |
see State Fair, Minnesota |
Minnesota State Legislature |
43, 78, 104, 116, 196, 197, 198, 217, 288, 289, 290, 319, 332, 334-339 |
Minnesota statehood achieved |
7, 28 |
Minnesota Territorial Pioneers Association |
109, 115 |
Minnesota Territory & Territorial Legislature |
21, 26, 28, 164, 195, 196, 226, 269, 272, 288, 294-295, 334-339 |
Minor children drinking |
137 |
Missionaries |
2, 186, 187, 194, 199-200, 202, 221-222, 236, 252, 268-273, 323, 324, 325, 326 |
Mississippi River |
21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 40, 44, 47, 63, 76, 80, 100, 106, 109, 128, 129, 133, 134, 139, 159, 164-167, 171, 175-179, 180, 181-182, 184, 188, 191 |
Mississippi River 2 |
198, 209, 213, 214, 218-222, 226, 229, 230, 231, 232, 237, 238, 239, 242, 243-247, 264, 267, 269, 271, 274, 275, 276-277, 278, 279, 280-282 |
Mississippi River 3 |
283, 288, 290, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 302, 306, 311, 312, 314, 317, 319, 320, 332, 337, 339, 340-341, 342, 343, 344 |
Mississippi River bridge |
25, 26, 27 (photo), 46, 63, 64-65, 86, 90, 99, 129, 145, 182-183, 281-282 |
Missouri |
331 |
Mixed bloods |
see Metis |
Moccasins, making |
242, 264 |
Modern Woodmen of America |
124 |
Moeglein, George |
100 |
Moen, Rev. T. |
327 |
Monchaud, Olezenne |
321 |
Montana |
112, 152, 195, 196, 335 |
Montreal, Canada |
209, 219, 220, 245, 329 |
Monzomonay, Chief |
see Moose-o-ma-na, Chief |
Mooers, Carrie |
62 |
Mooers, D. S. |
337 |
Moore, J. M. |
290 |
Moore, Rev. William |
91-94, 147 |
Moore, Tom |
173, 286 |
Moore, William S. |
210, 330 |
Moose-o-ma-na, Chief |
102, 106 (photo), 254, 255, 256-258, 263 |
Moosomonee, Chief |
see Moose-o-ma-na, Chief |
Morin |
122 |
Morrill |
112 |
Morrill, Major Ashley C. |
80, 243 |
Morris |
47, 48, 51, 62, 123, 179, 199, 274, 290 |
Morrison County |
46, 52, 101, 102, 112, 121, 128, 139, 166, 168, 194, 197, 240, 241, 243, 256, 259, 260, 271, 275, 277, 278, 290, 291, 292, 294, 295, 300, 301 |
Morrison County 2 |
309-310, 313, 322, 324, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 337, 339, 341, 342-344 |
Morrison County Agricultural Society Fair |
54 |
Morrison County Bank |
214, 341 |
Morrison County Banner |
334 |
Morrison County Democrat |
74, 86, 87, 94, 123-124 |
Morrison County Fair |
112 |
Morrison, Allan (Allen) |
xiii, 29, 222, 241, 274, 294-295 |
Morrison, Allen (Jr.) |
294 |
Morrison, H. B. |
302 |
Morrison, John George |
294 |
Morrison, William |
294 |
Morse, A. |
193 |
Mosko-sibi |
see Birch River |
Motley |
61, 118, 178, 189, 290, 302, 303, 327, 342, 344 |
Mounds in Morrison County |
110, 133, 139, 165, 228-229, 296-297 |
Mrozek, Jake |
98 |
Mud hens |
266 |
Muncy, George |
190 |
Muncy, James |
190 |
Muncy, Mrs. |
190 |
Muncy, Robert |
298 |
Muncy, Ruth |
114 |
Muncy, Stephen |
190 |
Muncy, Stephen, Jr. |
190 |
Muncy, Willard S. |
190 |
Murders |
191, 204-206, 208, 223, 237-238, 241, 264, 266-268, 304, 305, 307-308, 308-311 |
Murfreesboro |
188 |
Music |
9-10, 58, 61 |
Muskrats |
265 |
Musser, Richard Drew |
116 |
Myers, Henry |
190, 313, 320, 321 |
Myers, Nicholas |
193, 216 |
Nadovessian Indians (Fadovessians) |
219, 244 |
Nagle, Rev. R. E. |
323 |
Na-guar-nay-bee |
263 |
Na-saw-we-de-nah-saw-gan-e-gon |
see Lake Between the Hills |
Nash, Jonathan |
321 |
Nashville, Tennessee |
332 |
Naw-wa-ge-shick, Chief |
265 |
Nebraska |
118 |
Negroes |
see African-Americans |
Neill, Rev. Edward D. |
186, 272 |
Neill, Richard |
114, 188 |
Neilsen, Peter |
326 |
Nelson Act |
104-105 |
Nelson, B. F. |
80 |
Nelson, Governor |
118 |
Nelson, Knute |
104 |
Nelson, Mrs. Frank A. |
75 (photo) |
Nelson, Rev. A. J. |
203, 325-326 |
Nes-pim-ing |
266-268 |
Nes-pim-ing's father |
266-267 |
New Mexico |
174, 287 |
New Orleans, Louisiana |
118 |
New York |
16-17, 118, 155, 208, 209, 243, 268, 285, 289, 305, 329, 332 |
Newson, Major t. M. |
299 |
Newspapers |
185, 333-334 |
Newton, Rev. E. |
202, 325 |
Niagra Falls |
118 |
Nichols, Mrs. Ralph |
75 (photo) |
Nichols, William |
xiii |
Nicholson (Nicolson), William |
36 (photo), 179-181, 222, 269, 278-279, 280 |
Nickels, William |
see Nichols, Wiliam |
Noe, Paul |
192 |
Noka Sebe River |
177, 277, 299 |
Nokassippi River |
see Noka Sebe River |
North Dakota |
21, 62, 133 |
North Prairie |
341, 344 |
North Star Hook & Ladder Company |
84 |
Northern Bank |
341 |
Northern Herald |
185, 333 |
Northern Hotel |
24 (photo), 31, 47, 170, 172, 184, 185, 195, 283, 284, 335 |
Northern Pacific Elevator Company |
60 |
Northern Pacific Railroad |
see Railroad |
Northup (Northrup), Anson |
169, 197-198, 211, 235, 295, 301, 337 |
Northwestern Company |
294 |
No-va-ge-sek |
315 |
NR artifacts |
110, 112, 116, 119, 170, 235-236, 296-297, color plates 2-6, 9-10, 12-15 |
NR as community ambassador |
76, 115-116, 118, 121 |
NR bandolier bag |
108, color plate 2 |
NR bills authored |
46-47, 198-199 |
NR birth place |
16 |
NR booster of Morrison County & Little Falls |
39-40, 118, 127-162, 280, 338 |
NR buys land from LFMC |
26 |
NR calling card tray |
color plate 5 |
NR Captain of Home Guards |
42, 125 |
NR census taker |
52 |
NR charged with lewd behavior |
65 |
NR Clerk of Board of Commissioners |
30, 125, 164, 226 |
NR Clerk of District Court |
30, 63, 66, 125 |
NR comes to Little Falls |
22, 139, 143, 184, 241, 338 |
NR comes to Minnesota |
20-21, 139 |
NR contested seat in legislature |
45, 198, 338-339 |
NR County Attorney |
38, 52-53, 64, 113, 125, 331 |
NR County Auditor |
30, 125 |
NR County Treasurer |
30 |
NR death |
123-124 |
NR delegate to Land Congress of World's Fair |
118, 125 |
NR Deputy Coroner |
52, 125 |
NR drinking |
91-94 |
NR early years |
16-17, 20 |
NR education |
17 |
NR enrolling officer, Civil War |
41, 43, 125, 156 |
NR family |
31-33, 38, 54-62, 108-110 |
NR Father of Morrison County |
45 |
NR ferry operator |
39, 63, 65, 110, 122 |
NR fires |
84, 109-110, 146 |
NR first employment |
21 |
NR gambling |
33, 91-92, 144-145, 147-148 |
NR grave stone |
x |
NR handwriting, writing style |
65-66, 70, 124 |
NR has to commit son |
58 |
NR historian |
52, 64, 101, 110, 112, 115, 116, 120, 124, 240, 245-247, 254, 269, 332 |
NR hobbies |
120-121 |
NR hotel |
23, 24 (photo), 26, 31, 184 |
NR house |
111 (photo) |
NR illnesses |
123 |
NR in Michigan |
17, 20, 118, 120 |
NR in New York |
16-17, 118 |
NR inaugural addresses |
xiii-xiv, 82, 87, 95, 100, 127-162 |
NR inventor |
121 |
NR Judge of Probate |
58-59, 71-76, 100, 109, 125 |
NR lawyer |
52, 100-101, 104, 331 |
NR ledger |
viiii, xiii-xiv |
NR legbands, Ojibwe |
color plate 4 |
NR letter to Friend Joseph |
65-66 |
NR LF Board of Education |
52, 125 |
NR liberal policy |
82, 86, 92, 98, 130, 141, 149, 153, 159 |
NR Little Falls Township Board |
38, 52, 125 |
NR marriage |
31 |
NR Mayor of Little Falls |
78-80, 82, 84, 86-88, 90-95, 97-100, 108, 113, 124, 125, 127-162 |
NR mercantile business |
39, 52, 101 |
NR money issues |
38-39, 50-51, 63, 65, 123-124, 154 |
NR morality issues |
86-88, 91-95, 100, 147-148 |
NR moustache cup |
color plate 9 |
NR named delegate of LF & Dakota RR |
49 |
NR nonpayment of property taxes |
65 |
NR Notary Public |
125 |
NR ocean voyage |
118 |
NR old settlers |
109, 112-115, 226 |
NR on sugar beets |
114 |
NR pedigree chart |
18-19 |
NR personality |
16, 110, 120, 123-124 |
NR photos |
32, 36, 73, 75, 79, 106, color plate 1 |
NR physical bearing |
123 |
NR pin & cufflinks |
color plates 12 & 13 |
NR pitcher |
color plate 10 |
NR political favors |
65-69 |
NR political rivalries |
52-53, 62-71 |
NR postmaster |
52, 64, 65, 70, 125, 185 |
NR public offices |
16, 63, 64, 125 (list of offices), 160, 198-199, see also specific office headings |
NR purchases land & lumber from LFMC |
26 |
NR real estate agent |
52, 101 |
NR Register of Deeds |
30, 38, 64, 160, 164, 179, 226, 278 |
NR religious convictions |
120, 203-204 |
NR represents Ojibwe |
100-105, 106 (photo), 107-108, 256, 260, 265, 292 |
NR Richardson, Nathan |
284 |
NR role in expanding Morrison County |
198-199, 338 |
NR runs as an Independent |
74, 76 |
NR runs for office of Village President |
52 |
NR scolds voters |
66-67 |
NR sold old safe to county |
64 |
NR State Legislator |
38, 43, 45, 46, 64, 125, 198-199, 295, 338-339 |
NR Superintendent of Dept. of Relics & Ornaments |
112 |
NR surveyor |
38, 47, 52, 125, 216 |
NR syrup pitcher |
color plate 6 |
NR teacher |
20 |
NR to build an office |
26 |
NR travels & travelogues |
118, 120 |
NR Vice President of LF & Dakota |
51, 292 |
NR Village Attorney |
71, 125 |
NR visits a spiritualist |
120 |
NR writes county history |
52, 64, 112, 113, 226, 254, 336-337 |
Num-a-we-nin-na-a |
265 |
O. A. Churchill & Company |
184 |
Oak Street, Little Falls |
84 |
Oakland County, Michigan |
17 |
O'Brian (O'Brien), John |
190, 321 |
Office of Indian Affairs |
292 |
O-ge-che-da-ne-me-win |
see I war dance |
Ohio |
329, 334, 339 |
Ojibwe customs |
247-253, 255, 264, 265 |
Ojibwe death rituals |
251-252 |
Ojibwe diet |
265-266 |
Ojibwe Indians |
2, 6, 28, 29, 33, 35, 41-42, 101, 106 (photo), 107, 115, 116, 139, 165-171, 187, 195, 200, 220, 221, 223, 229-243, 246-272, 283, 293-294, 335 |
Ojibwe Indians 2 |
see also Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe |
Ojibwe legbands |
color plate 4, 249 |
Ojibwe love of whiskey |
252-253 |
Ojibwe religious views |
252, 256 |
Ojibwe threatened attack on Morrison County |
41-42, 167-169, 188, 201, 231-235, 239, 251, 256, 258-263, 265, 269-270, 325 |
Ojibwe-White Conflicts over Land & Resources on the Mille Lacs Reservation |
100-105, 255-263, 292-293 |
Old Fort |
see Richardson Building |
Old Settler's Association of Morrison & adjoining counties |
114, 115 |
Old Settlers' Association of Stearns County |
109 |
Old Settlers Register |
114-115 |
Old soldiers |
154, 155-158 |
Olean |
179, 246, 278 |
Olmstead Prairie |
176, 275 |
Olmstead, David |
295 |
Olmstead, S. B. |
xiii, 295, 337-338 |
O-poi-gon-ne-me-win |
see I pipe dance |
Order of St. Benedict |
200, 323 |
Organic Act |
28 |
Ortonville |
47, 51 |
Osakis election precinct |
43 |
Osakis River |
295 |
Otter Tail County |
46, 179, 278 |
Otter Tail Lake |
222, 270, 273 |
Otter Tail Road |
26 |
Pacific Ocean |
139 |
Page, Mr. |
326 |
Page, Robert |
192 |
Paine, R. H. |
52 |
Parkerstown (Parker) |
280, 342 |
Pasadena, California |
113 |
Paulson, Rev. O. |
326 |
Pavlin, Rev. John |
200 |
Pavlin, Rev. John |
324 |
Paynesville |
326 |
Peavy, Linda |
38 |
Pedley, Charles Walter |
313-314 |
Pedley, Elizabeth |
114 |
Pedley, William |
22, 114, 313 |
Pe-dud |
263 |
Peking, China |
128 |
Pelland, Joseph |
204-205, 308-309 |
Pembina County |
28, 46 |
Pena River |
220, 246 |
Pennsylvania |
306, 332 |
Perham, Minnesota |
271 |
Perrin, L. L. |
47 |
Petee, F. R. |
114 |
Peter Chonteau & Co. |
237 |
Peterson, Andrew |
314-316 |
Peterson, Christian |
314-316 |
Peterson, H. H. |
302 |
Peterson, John |
75 (photo) |
Peterson, Maria |
314-316 |
Petitions |
90, 98, 258-261, 267, 292-293 |
Petzole, Joe |
191 |
Petzole, John |
191 |
Pew, Jonathan |
see Pugh, Jonathan |
Pewter-eyed Sloan |
see Sloan, John R. |
Pheasants |
339 |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
199, 243, 339 |
Physicians |
see Doctors |
Picotte, Peter |
321 |
Pierz |
181, 193, 324, 344 |
Pierz Township |
192, 199-200, 215, 280, 306, 308, 311, 323, 342, 344 |
Pierz, Fr. Francis Xavier |
42, 199, 200-201, 269-270, 322-323 |
Pig's Eye Battle |
255 |
Pike Creek |
176, 276 |
Pike Rapids |
220, 245-246, 344 |
Pike, Lt. Zebulon Montgomery |
220, 221, 245-247 |
Pike, Zebulon, monument |
46, 116, 117 (photo) |
Pike's Fort |
220, 245-246 |
Pike's Peak |
174, 210, 286, 330 |
Pillager Indians |
220, 247, 265 |
Pillsbury, Governor John S. |
268, 273 |
Pine County |
194, 271 |
Pine Grove Park & Zoo |
13, 90 |
Pine River |
238 |
Pine Tree Lumber Company |
80, 81 (photos), 82, 88, 90, 99-100 |
Pioneer Manufacturing Company |
183, 282 |
Pipestone County |
331 |
Pits & ridges, for defense or burial |
133, 166, 229, 230 |
Platte River |
30, 35, 44, 164, 177, 191, 212, 213, 227, 273, 276-277, 301, 302, 303, 319, 339 |
Platte River bridge |
25 |
Platting townsites |
139, 179, 278 |
Poisoning |
307-308 |
Polander King of Chicago |
94 |
Polanders |
58, 192, 318 |
Police |
see Little Falls, police |
Polk County |
46 |
Pomeroy, Ohio |
334 |
Pontiac, Michigan |
17, 118 |
Poor (poverty) |
90, 121, 123-124, 193, 195, 207, 211, 264, 273, 304, 314, 316, 330, 335, 338 |
Pope County |
49, 274 |
Popple, James |
191 |
Popple, Sarah Ann |
191 |
Popple, Susan |
191 |
Population |
21, 28, 38, 40-41, 82, 128, 129, 130, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 149, 151, 159, 182, 187, 190, 209, 214-215, 263, 281, 295-296, 342 |
Porcupine |
220, 246 |
Porquin, Joseph |
320 |
Porter, Milo |
157 |
Portland, Oregon |
97 |
Post offices |
101, 146, 185, 189, 193, 210, 344, see also NR postmaster |
Potato, four-pound |
112 |
Pottery, ancient |
110, 139, 296-297 |
Prairie chickens |
213, 339 |
Prairie du Chien |
218, 221, 236, 244, 247, 274 |
Prairies |
175-176, 186, 187, 193, 213, 223, 240-241, 274, 275-276, 340 |
Prehistoric people |
128, 133, 139, 165, 227-229, 296-297 |
Presbyterian Church |
327-328 |
President of the United States |
102, 103, 124, 255, 257-258, 261-263 |
Princeton |
263 |
Princeton Union |
105 |
Property |
see Real estate & Land surveys, warrants, speculation |
Prostitutes |
see Houses of ill fame |
Pugh (Pew), Jonathan |
xiii, 30, 35, 37, 164, 169, 171, 226, 235, 284 |
Pump maker |
191 |
Puppies |
265 |
Putnam, Samuel M. |
26, 30, 182, 281 |
Quarantine |
146 |
Quartz chippings |
228, 296, 299 |
R. J. Richardson & Company |
60 |
Rabbit River |
180, 279 |
Rabbits |
213, 311, 312, 339 |
Rainy Lake |
195, 335 |
Ramsey County |
26, 28 |
Ramsey, Alexander |
21 |
Randall |
109 |
Rasicot, Henry |
186 |
Rasicot, William |
188, 217, 320 |
Ravine, Little Falls |
see LF ravine |
Real estate |
129, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 151, 179, 182, 216, 281, 343 |
Realty Block |
82 |
Recreation |
12-13 |
Red Lake |
59, 60, 194, 221, 247, 271, 273, 297 |
Red Lake Reservation |
104 |
Red River |
220, 221, 222, 245, 247, 248, 273, 274, 288, 321 |
Red River Oxcart Trail |
21, 222, 272, 273-274 |
Reed, L. E. |
292 |
Reedsburg, Wisconsin |
333 |
Religion |
see Churches & Missionaries |
Republican County Convention |
52, 72 |
Republicans |
63, 66, 71, 72, 95, 97, 217, 342-343 |
Rhoder, William |
189 |
Rhodes, J. H. |
90, 98, 99, 328 |
Rice Creek |
237, 277 |
Rice Creek bridge |
25 |
Rice Creek Lake |
see Rice Lake |
Rice Lake(s) |
165, 177, 228, 266, 276-277, 297 |
Rice, George |
250 |
Rice, Henry Mower |
21, 29, 104, 180, 181, 221, 222, 237, 247, 272, 279, 280, 294 |
Rich Prairie |
176, 177, 193, 199-200, 210, 270, 275, 276-277, 329, 344 |
Rich Wood, Becker County |
294 |
Richard, Rev. C. A. |
324 |
Richardson & Comstock |
39 |
Richardson Addition |
101 |
Richardson Building |
109-110 |
Richardson, Abram |
20 |
Richardson, Albert |
17, 18, 20, 118 |
Richardson, Candace Comstock (Nathan's mother) |
16-20 |
Richardson, Chloe |
17, 18, 118 |
Richardson, Clara dressmaking shop |
54, 55 (photo) |
Richardson, Clarence |
61 |
Richardson, Clarrilla (Clara) |
xiii, 19, 31, 32 (photo), 34, 38, 54, 55 (photos), 56, 57 (photos), 108 |
Richardson, Emma |
17, 18 |
Richardson, Francis Albert |
19, 31, 34, 58, 59, 62, 121 |
Richardson, Francis moves to Idaho |
61 |
Richardson, Francis opens jewelry store |
61 |
Richardson, Francis weds |
61 |
Richardson, John |
20, 21, 118 |
Richardson, Jonathan |
17, 18 |
Richardson, Lewis |
20, 22-23, 25, 37, 115 |
Richardson, Marion Helen |
61 |
Richardson, Martin (Nathan's father) |
16-20 |
Richardson, Martin M. committed for drinking |
58-59 |
Richardson, Martin M. moves to Idaho & Washington |
59 |
Richardson, Martin Mathias |
19, 31, 34, 56, 58-59, 62, 71 |
Richardson, Mary Anne Roof |
19, 31, 33, 34, 38, 62, 108-109, 114, 124, color plates 5, 6, 9, 10, 12-15 |
Richardson, Nathan Henry |
59 |
Richardson, Raymond business |
60 |
Richardson, Raymond City Assessor |
61 |
Richardson, Raymond Clerk of Little Falls Township |
61 |
Richardson, Raymond death |
61, 108 |
Richardson, Raymond Deputy Auditor |
61 |
Richardson, Raymond Deputy Clerk |
61 |
Richardson, Raymond Jerome |
19, 31, 34, 51, 59-61, 71, 108, 112, color plate 11 |
Richardson, Raymond moves to California |
61 |
Richardson, Raymond mysterious wedding |
59-61 |
Richardson, Trina Caroline |
17, 18 |
Richardson, William |
17, 18, 20 |
Riddle, Hugh |
192 |
Rider, H. A. |
75 (photo), 82 |
Rifle pits |
see Pits & ridges, for defense or burial |
Ripley election precinct |
43 |
Rivers |
176-177, 276-277 |
Riverside Milling Company |
80 |
Roads |
26, 82, 84, 88, 131, 136, 159, 180, 274, 279, 339 |
Robare, Louis |
256 |
Robbers, Lot |
114 |
Roberts, C. B. |
326 |
Roch, John |
193 |
Rochester |
58 |
Rochester, New York |
268 |
Rock, John |
193 |
Rocky Mountains |
274 |
Rollerskating |
12, 62 |
Romeo Academy |
17 |
Romeo Branch of the University of Michigan |
17 |
Roof, Anna |
34, color plate 7 |
Roof, Mathias |
34, 187 |
Root |
53 |
Root, Henry |
250 |
Root, Isaac |
188, 320 |
Root, J. |
328 |
Rosemount |
62 |
Rosenkrans, Rev. D. W. |
202, 313, 325 |
Rothwell, E. |
80, 84 |
Rough, Anton |
193 |
Rounds, Oliver |
306 |
Rounds, Reuben |
306 |
Roy |
191 |
Roy, Babtiste |
294 |
Roy, Hon. Peter |
102, 122, 195, 234, 237, 240, 256, 259, 265, 295, 311, 335 |
Roy, J. H. |
122, 320 |
Roy, Jo |
204-205, 308-309 |
Roy, Mrs. |
251 |
Roy, William V. |
311 |
Royalton |
33, 62, 121, 290, 297, 327, 344 |
RR Depot, east side of Little Falls |
98 |
RR Great Northern |
138 |
RR in Little Falls |
4 |
RR LF & Dakota bonds |
49-51 |
RR Little Falls & Dakota |
46-51, 63-64, 123, 179, 198-199, 290-292 |
RR Little Falls & Southern |
138 |
RR Little Falls, Mille Lacs & Lake Superior |
138 |
RR Minnesota & Pacific |
288 |
RR Northern Pacific |
47-48, 88, 90, 99, 137-138, 139, 152, 178, 189, 198, 240, 288-290, 294, 299, 337 |
RR passes |
119 (images) |
RR Railroad |
76, 80, 83 (photo), 98, 102, 129, 138, 152, 178-179, 184, 199, 278, 288-292, 299, 341, 344 |
RR St. Paul & Pacific |
47, 48, 178, 179, 288-290 |
RR Western |
48, 289 |
Ruffee, Major Charles A. |
242-243, 271 |
Rum River |
21, 40, 118, 177, 219, 220, 242, 245, 277 |
Russell, Jeremiah |
295 |
Russian thistle |
112 |
Sabin, Dwight |
102-104, 108 |
Salone, Mrs. Levi |
317-318 |
Salone, T. |
338 |
Saloons |
87, 91-94, 100, 137, 141, 147-148, 161, 171, 185, 204, 253, 284, 308 |
Salt Lake |
205, 309 |
Salvation Army |
98 |
Sand fort |
229 |
Sand, Joseph |
67-68 |
Sanders, Hiram |
320 |
Sandy Lake |
166, 194, 221, 222, 230, 239, 240, 247, 268, 271 |
Sartell, Mr. |
326 |
Sash, door & blind factory |
135 |
Sauk Centre (Center) |
46, 47, 48, 49, 179, 189, 199, 290, 291, 292 |
Sauk Rapids |
33, 48, 178, 197, 199, 203, 222, 223, 264, 288, 289, 295, 307, 327, 329, 330, 333, 337, 339 |
Sauk River |
99, 183, 282 |
Savoir, Joseph |
312-313 |
Sawmills |
see Milling, lumber |
Scalp dance |
see Indians scalp dance |
Scharatte, Mr. |
312 |
Schools |
30, 151, 178, 184, 186, 187, 189, 192, 193, 194, 217, 272, 278, 322, 323 |
Schouinard (Schounard), Lewis (Louis) |
320, 321 |
Schouinard, Baptist |
314 |
Schurz, Hon. Carl |
258, 261, 263 |
Science & technology |
2-5 |
Scotch people |
187, 248, 294 |
Scott & Sprandel brickyard |
80 |
Searle, D. B. |
52, 332 |
Second Hospital for Insane |
58 |
Secret organizations |
204, 328 |
Secretary of the Interior |
103, 258, 261, 262-263, 292-293 |
Seeley, Stewart |
169, 234 |
Seidenbush, Rev. Rupert |
324 |
Selkirk Colony |
21 |
Seventh Day Baptists |
328 |
Sewers |
see Little Falls, sewers |
Shab-osh-kung, Chief |
104, 106 (photo), 108, 254, 256, 263, 292, color plate 2 |
Shakopee |
255 |
Shambo, Jo |
33 |
Shanks, John |
214, 216, 341 |
Sharon, Henry |
114 |
Shaw, E. F. |
76 |
Sha-wa-na-ga-win |
see I southern dance |
Shaw-vosh-kung, Chief |
see Shab-osh-kung, Chief |
Shea, John |
173, 251, 285-286, 326 |
She-bosh-king, Chief |
see Shab-osh-kung, Chief |
Sheehan, Major |
107 |
Shell Rock, Iowa |
331 |
Sherburne County |
30, 46, 195, 334, 339 |
Shobaushkung, Chief |
see Shab-osh-kung, Chief |
Shorey, Pearl |
97 |
Sibley, Henry Hastings |
21 |
Sidewalks |
see Little Falls, sidewalks |
Signor, Lyman |
216, 328 |
Silver |
299 |
Simmons, Charles |
36 (photo) |
Simmons, Senator Jonathan O. |
49, 102-103, 153, 170, 184, 185, 210, 257, 258, 260, 283, 292, 295, 297, 307, 329, 339 |
Simonds |
297 |
Sioux Indians |
see Dakota Indians |
Sioux Outbreak |
see U.S./Dakota War |
Sioux Uprising |
see U.S./Dakota War |
Skin complexion |
248 |
Skinner, A. B. |
193 |
Skunk Brook |
301, 303 |
Skunk River |
176, 177, 192, 212, 275, 276-277, 302, 303, 308 |
Skunks |
265 |
Slate quarrying |
299 |
Sloan, D. T. |
295 |
Sloan, John (Jr.) |
241 |
Sloan, John R. (Pewter-eyed Sloan) |
241, 294 |
Sloan, Margaret |
see Chauboile, Margaret |
Sloan, Mrs. |
236, 240-242, 294 |
Sloan, William |
241, 242, 299 |
Small boys |
98 |
Smart, Mr. |
229 |
Smart, O. M. |
114 |
Smith |
303 |
Smith, Charles N. |
308 |
Smith, Dr. |
209, 328 |
Smith, E. S. |
114, 211, 330 |
Smith, Eva M. |
114 |
Smith, Franklin |
308 |
Smith, Horace |
319-320 |
Smith, Ursula |
38 |
Snake River |
254, 273 |
Social reform |
7-9 |
Soil conditions |
40, 114, 175-176, 190, 200, 213, 229, 269, 275-276, 298, 340 |
Son-ga-ca-mig |
see Strong Ground |
Soule, J. B. |
122 |
South Dakota |
21, 133 |
Southern Rebellion |
see Civil War |
Spaniards |
242 |
Spates, Samuel |
221-222, 268, 326 |
Spears, A. J. |
317 |
Spears, J. |
30 |
Special Indian Commission |
103-104 |
Spiritualistic meeting |
120 |
Spiritualists |
203, 328 |
Spunk Brook |
176, 276, 302 |
St. Anthony (Minneapolis) |
21, 23, 48, 80, 99, 102, 118, 186, 196, 198, 208, 243, 272, 298, 300, 301, 303, 305, 307, 314, 326, 331, 337 |
St. Anthony Academy |
322 |
St. Anthony Falls |
219, 236, 244, 300 |
St. Cloud |
39, 45, 46, 76, 80, 99, 118, 124, 181, 184, 186, 187, 198, 210, 241, 280, 294, 301, 324, 327, 330, 331, 332, 338 |
St. Cloud Land Office |
277 |
St. Croix County |
295 |
St. Croix River |
242, 273, 297 |
St. Francis River |
219, 245 |
St. Francis Xavier Church |
56 |
St. Gabriel's Hospital |
85 (photo), 101, 123 |
St. Garvis Parish, Quebec, Canada |
319 |
St. Germain, Charles |
311 |
St. Johns, New Brunswick |
197 |
St. Joseph's Church, Pierz |
323, 324 |
St. Louis County |
46 |
St. Louis World's Fair |
118 |
St. Louis, Missouri |
274 |
St. Paul & Pacific Railroad |
see RR St. Paul & Pacific |
St. Paul 1 |
35, 48, 62, 76, 102, 118, 123, 139, 169, 171, 180, 184, 186, 197, 201, 210, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 235, 237, 238, 243, 244, 247, 253, 255, 256 |
St. Paul 2 |
257, 264, 269, 272, 274, 279, 284, 288, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297, 299, 301, 317, 329, 330 |
St. Paul Globe |
123, 256 |
St. Peter Asylum for Insane |
208, 305 |
St. Salvator Church, Little Falls |
324 |
Stagecoach lines |
186 |
Stanchfield, Daniel |
300 |
Stanclift (Standcliff), Joseph |
37, 172-174, 285-286 |
Stanley, Jackson |
263 |
Staples, Forest |
97 |
Staples, Gertrude Hilborn |
96 (photo), 97 |
Staples, Isaac E. |
61, 86, 93-95, 96 (photo), 97, 147-148 |
State Fair, Minnesota |
119 (image), 121 |
State Geologist |
227 |
State Historical Department |
246 |
State Library of Minnesota |
220, 245 |
State Prison |
205, 206, 266, 267, 309, 310 |
States formed |
6-7 |
Staurolite |
110, 112 |
Steam power |
88, 135, 301, 302 |
Steamboat, first on St. Croix River |
273 |
Stearns County |
46, 49, 59, 109, 200-201, 206, 229, 251, 269, 274, 310, 326 |
Stebbins, J. C. |
189 |
Stebbins, W. W. |
30, 164, 226 |
Steele, Franklin |
21 |
Steele, James R. |
22 |
Stevens County |
49 |
Stewart, Duncan |
181, 280 |
Stewart, George |
320 |
Stewart, Joseph |
320, 321 |
Stillwater |
288 |
Stillwell, George W. |
114 |
Stilwell (Stillwell), John T. |
30, 169, 181, 234, 280 |
Stilwell, Coroner |
207, 305 |
Stivers, H. C. |
49, 102, 185, 256, 333-334 |
Stivers, James |
334 |
Stock Bridge (Stockbridge), Massachusetts |
194, 271 |
Stock companies |
139, 179, 182, 278, 281 |
Stoll, Mr., for Register of Deeds |
67 |
Stoll, S. |
84 |
Stoll, Stanislaus |
141 |
Storey & Walker |
331 |
Storey, A. F. |
52-53, 58, 70-72, 331 |
Stowe, Indian Agent |
271 |
Street cars |
82 |
Street sprinkling |
see Little Falls, street sprinkling |
Strong Ground |
238 |
Stuart, James |
79 (photo) |
Stumpf, John |
217 |
Stumpf, Riner |
193 |
Sturgis, Michigan |
196, 335 |
Sturgis, Rosanna |
22, 23, 195-196, 335 |
Sturgis, William |
xiii, 22, 23, 25, 30, 31, 38, 110, 118, 164, 180, 181-182, 195-196, 211-212, 214, 223, 227, 264, 279, 280-281, 295, 301, 334-335, 340 |
Suicide, Foisy, Clara Richardson |
56, 57 (photo of grave stone), 108, 109 |
Suicides |
207-209, 304-306, 317-318 |
Sumner, J. G. |
186 |
Superior, Wisconsin |
121 |
Supreme Court |
102 |
Swan River |
30, 46, 116, 164, 169-170, 176, 180, 200, 208, 213, 220, 227, 237, 245-246, 251, 276, 279, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 308, 317 |
Swan River settlement (east side of Mississippi River) |
22-23, 35, 169, 179, 181, 198, 205, 211, 214, 235, 236, 237, 266-267, 278, 280, 319, 337, 338, 340-341, 344 |
Swan River Township |
43, 45, 181, 189-191, 215, 280, 298, 320, 324, 342, 344 |
Swanville Township |
43, 45 |
Swarts |
223, 264 |
Swedenborgians |
203 |
Sweet, George W. |
112, 113, 115 |
Sweetser |
177, 277 |
Sword found |
297 |
Sylvester, Clara |
320 |
Sylvester, Jacob |
190 |
Sylvester, Oshea W. |
39 |
Sylvester, Widow |
320 |
Tanner (trade) |
197, 337 |
Tanner, Alfred |
78, 80, 100, 184, 185, 328 |
Tanner, Briggs & Co. |
39 |
Tanner, James W. |
35, 36 (photo), 114 |
Tanner's Store |
54 |
Tarantula |
112 |
Tattersol, Captain |
168, 233 |
Taxes |
132, 133, 135, 138, 144, 151, 184, 215-216, 343 |
Taylor, Benjamin |
50-51 |
Taylor, Edward |
320, 321 |
Taylor, Henry |
320 |
Taylor, Isaac |
321 |
Taylor, Jonathan |
60, 61, 112, 217, 320 |
Taylor, Marion |
60, 61 |
Taylor, Minnie |
62 |
Taylor, Oscar |
332 |
Taylors Falls |
103 |
Taylors Falls Land Office |
102-103, 258, 262 |
Telephone poles |
84 |
Tennice, Peter, Sr. |
206, 310 |
Texas |
174, 198, 286, 338 |
Third Legislative District |
46 |
Thirtieth Legislative District |
46 |
Thomas, Joseph |
191 |
Thompsen, B. |
326 |
Thompson |
299 |
Thompson, Hugh (a.k.a. Charles Dodge) |
171, 173-174, 283-287 |
Thornton, Florence |
61 |
Thorup, Rev. H. N. |
326 |
Thramer, Jacob P. |
121 |
Tibbets, Elizabeth |
114 |
Tibbets, Nathaniel |
114 |
Tifft, Joseph |
190 |
Timber land |
39-40, 102-104, 128, 133, 175, 179, 191, 193, 195-196, 212, 245, 257-263, 275, 277, 293, 300, 334, 340 |
Tin shop |
185, 193 |
Tingle |
53 |
Tingle, E. D. |
331 |
Tobacco |
219, 244 |
Todd County |
42-45, 46, 52, 164, 178, 189, 198, 211, 226, 240, 336, 338, 342 |
Todd County Argus |
336-337 |
Todd, Captain John Blair Smith |
xiii, 29, 180, 181, 186, 279, 280, 301 |
Tomasin (Tamasin, Tomazin)), Rev. Ignatius |
200, 271, 323 |
Tramer, Jake |
192 |
Tramps |
98, 160 |
Trask, Daniel |
320 |
Trask, Marcus P. |
321 |
Trask, Richard L. |
165, 191, 227 |
Trask, William |
30, 164, 187, 191, 226 |
Treaties |
see Indians treaties |
Trebby |
37 |
Trebby, Samuel |
75 (photo) |
Trettel, Donat |
58, 74 |
Tribby, Mr. |
319 |
Tricycles |
90 |
Trobec (Trobee), Rev. James |
200, 324 |
Trobritz, Rev. Father |
323 |
Trudell, Miss |
62 |
Tunstand & Moore |
88 |
Tuttle, Calvin A. |
23, 25, 112-113, 181-182, 192, 196-197, 214, 280-281, 302, 341 |
Tuttle, Charles |
302 |
Tuttle, William W. |
30, 164, 226 |
Twin Cities |
47-48, 135, 152, see also Minneapolis & St. Paul |
Two Rivers |
39, 116, 176, 191, 196, 212, 214, 276, 293, 302, 303, 314, 315, 341 |
Two Rivers Township |
43, 45, 69, 113, 181, 188, 191-192, 199, 200, 202, 206, 215, 280, 297, 302, 310, 314-316, 317, 318, 322, 323, 326, 327, 342, 344 |
U.S./Dakota War |
41, 129, 133, 139, 165, 167, 184, 188, 201, 230, 231, 251, 264, 269 |
Union Church |
202, 327 |
Urey, Barthel |
308 |
Valley City, Dakota Territory |
60 |
Van Buskirk, C. |
114 |
Vancleve, Mrs. H. P. |
194, 271 |
Vasaly House |
62, 102, 256 |
Vasaly, Charles |
100, 108, 161 |
Vasaly, Louis |
185 |
Velocepeds |
90 |
Verndale |
61 |
Victorian era |
2 |
Vigilance committee |
173, 284-286 |
Virning (Virnig), Christ (Chris) |
193, 329 |
Voigt, Helen |
31 |
Wabashaw County |
28 |
Wadena County |
46, 240 |
Wadena, Chief |
236-240 |
Wagner, Mathias |
320 |
Wahnahta County |
28, 29 |
Walker, R. W. |
331 |
Walker, Thomas B. |
80 |
Wa-pa-se-na, Chief |
238 |
War dance |
see Indians war dance |
Warren, Delia |
243 |
Warren, James |
xiii, 22, 181, 280, 317 |
Warren, Mrs. James |
317 |
Warren, William |
29 |
Wars |
5-6, see also U.S./Dakota War |
War-we-yea-com-ick |
263 |
Washburn, W. D. |
69, 119 (pass signed by Washburn) |
Washington City |
165, 227 |
Washington County |
26, 28, 45, 191 |
Washington, D. C. |
101, 102, 116, 124, 232, 233, 255, 256-263, 292, 332 |
Was-ke |
see Buffalo, Chief |
Watab River |
29 |
Water mains |
see Little Falls, water mains |
Water power |
see LF water power |
Water Ways Convention |
121 |
Waterfall at Little Falls |
22 |
Wayne County, New York |
16-17 |
West Union, Todd County |
189 |
Western Railroad |
see Railroad |
Westling, Father Ignatius |
324 |
Weyerhaeuser Syndicate |
135 |
Weyerhaeuser, Charles A. |
88, 99 |
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick |
80 |
Wheeler, Levi |
197, 295, 300, 337 |
Whipple & Tourtillotte |
21 |
Whipple, Bishop |
115, 327 |
Whiskey (whisky) |
68, 94, 211, 241, 252-253, 318, 333 |
Whiskey detective system |
252 |
White & Bullard, Messrs. |
302 |
White & Holmes, Messrs. |
302 |
White Earth Reservation |
101-102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 118, 221, 234, 239, 250, 265, 268, 294, 295 |
White Fisher |
220, 246 |
White, Bruce |
103 |
Whittemore, J. G. |
290 |
Wigwam |
248-249, 253 |
Wild rice |
177, 219, 242, 244, 255, 259, 265-266, 277 |
Wilder, Amherst |
102-104, 108 |
Williams, Milton M. |
76, 77 (photo), 80, 84, 99, 114, 140 |
Williams, Mrs. M. M. |
90 |
Wilson, Widow |
312 |
Winchell, Prof. N. H. |
227-228, 245 |
Winnebago Indians |
28, 29, 180, 279 |
Winnebagoshish |
107 |
Winnipeg, Canada |
273 |
Wisconsin |
118, 121, 185, 195, 236, 265, 333, 335 |
Wistash, Eliza |
236 |
Wood, A. DeLacy |
185, 333 |
Woodruff, W. G. |
211, 330-331 |
Workman, John |
189, 198, 320, 338 |
Workman, Mrs. |
189 |
Workman, Ross |
189, 320 |
World conflicts |
5-6 |
World's Fair |
92, 118 |
Worthington, Lewis G. |
49, 70, 328 |
Worthington, R. M. |
122 |
Wright, S. G. |
273 |
Wyndmere, North Dakota |
62 |
Yankees |
248, 263 |
Yankknight |
42 |
Yellow brick |
80, 84 |
Young, "Friend" |
116 |
Young, Capt. R. B. |
303 |
Young, E. J. |
112 |
Young, Mr. |
212 |
Young, T. M. |
297-298 |
Young, William |
193 |